Thuffering Thuccotash! Just kidding.
Quote Originally Posted by alex
The most significant feeling I have had so far while working on the exercises is a very slight tingling feeling in my toes, and warmth in my thumbs, and it was only one time. Is this really something I shouldn't worry about and continue on with the program?
Don't worry, tingling is what you're supposed to feel. In the energy work forum there is a stickied thread entitled "Differing sensations expected in energy work" (or something to that extent) and in it Korpo explains just about any variation of feelings you get- or don't.
Any energy feeling is good, except for 'too strong' energy feeling (like pain) which would indicate problems (from blockages to actual physical problems) but the lack of strong sensation is to be expected. Part of the exercise is to train yourself in subtle awareness, so take what you get and roll with it. However, if you feel you would be helped by staying with it a little longer, that's perfectly ok too, as long as it doesn't become a source of frustration and unmet expectation.
So I'd say give it a week and then move on, not longer unless specified in the exercise in question.