Well, EVERYONE, I gotta say that this store seems to have products TOO good to be true. Or atleast what they write sounds like it!

They sell audio downloads for like $20 each, and some help your skills in, astral projection, telepathy, aura viewing, meditation, motivation, health and a BUNCH of other stuff. As I said, it sound TOO good to be true.
Check it out, maybe it works.
BTW, this is NO spam or advertising. I want to have people's opinions on this, and some feed back maybe.

HONESTLY, I hope this isn't real... Because I think that this would take ALL the fun out of the experience of those who try to do astral projection, telekinesis, aura viewing, etc. So I hope this helps just a LITTLE.


Here's another link to a website I go to, to practice concentration and then to be able to do telekinesis: http://www.learn-telekinesis-training.com
Hope this helps some.