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Thread: How do u get rid of sleep insomnia?

  1. #1

    How do u get rid of sleep insomnia?

    My firend has it and she wants help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Exercise a lot during the day- at around noon, she needs to go outside in the sun and stay there at least 20 minutes. This sets the clock for her to get sleepy at night.

    Yes, I'm codependent, I can't help myself....
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Matt Guest
    I agree with CFTraveler, getting sunlight at the right time of day is one of the most important things for getting rid of insomnia. The brain needs sunlight to make serotonin which regulates your sleep, here's a more detailed link on it

  4. #4
    enoch Guest
    As someone who's suffered from insomnia for most of my adult life I can safely say that there's no universal cure. But here are a few things I've found to be moderately successful.

    1. A drop in body temp induces sleep. Take a nice hot bath a couple of hours before bed. This will raise the body temp and then it will drop over the few hours before bed and induce slumber. Also keep the covers on the bed pulled back and a window open so it's nice and cold when you slip between the sheets.

    2. dim any artificial lights in the home from 5pm onwards. Our circadian rhythmns can get buggered-up by them.

    3. No caffiene after 5pm.

    4. no eating hard to digest food after 5pm. Definately no fatty or rich stuff before bo-bo's.

    5. A nice glass or two of chamomile tea during the eve.

    6. no tv for one hour before bed. Likewise, no heavy reading.

    7. some nice soothing music and a glass of warm milk and honey just before bed.

    These are just some things that i've tried over the years - but I ended up getting myself some sleeping tablets and they've helped me no end. For the first time in twelve years I've been getting a full, snuggly nights sleep and waking up buzzing in the morns. But - I wouldn't recommend them Not unless you want to get rid of insomnia!!

  5. #5
    Quantitativefool Guest
    Hmmm those are all good suggestions.
    Thank you


  6. #6
    Moogle_Assassin Guest
    I don't realy know if I have insomnia, but most nights it takes me several hours to fall asleep. What I do is while laying in bed I practice large ammounts of energy manipulation. I don't usualy do this though because int he morning you feel realy realy heavy and sometimes sore.

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