As promised- weird stuff about me- does it mean something (besides I'm neurotic?)
All my life the left side of my body has felt colder than the right side. I thought it was all in my head, until my husband compared cheeks (on my face, people) and confirmed the difference. And, I don't like it. I'm always trying to warm my left side and cool my right cheek.

This is kind of embarrasing- If I run my fingertips in running water the sensation in my fingers is so pleasurable it's almost orgasmic. My husband reports it's not the same for him(I always thought that was universal- silly me

There is a spot on my back, below my neck, kind of right over the middle of my shoulderblades, that if it's almost touched, will send electriclike sparks all through my body. It's the same spot I feel the electricity is being generated when I get the shudder sensations. BTW, when I get them my husband can actually see the skin as it vibrates. Now, if you don't think that's weird...welcome to my world!

I can understand a lot of what is said in languages I haven't learned. (except of the asian languages.)

I'll post more stuff when I remember it. Believe me, there's more.