I know this has been asked before, but perhaps I can get some consolidation.

First let it be known that I've applied, a Sleeping Earthed bed strip and Magnetic Mattress Pad, as well as a running water fountain with a small chime that rings as disturbed by the flow.

Also, I have an issue with Mind Split. At all times there is an energetic copy of me roaming the astral, and I often get feedback from it whenever I have a mind to focus on it. Things that happen to my double affect me directly, i.e. another being does something energy wise to it my energy centers go off the charts.

When I sleep at night, there are beings in the room with me. Some I've identified as ghosts, but they usually never stick around. A few instances I determined it was my own energetic double taking the shape of my fears(? but I'm not really afraid of their presence), in those cases I was able to control the double by concentrating. But the ones that I'm curious about are small humanoid with alien or insect features. The insect ones seem to resemble strictly what Robert calls Astral Wildlife and just hover over me feeding. But another form comes at times, and when I wake with a loose energy body and stir, the being waves its hand over my forehead and I get fuzzy, unclear and more drowsy. This doesn't send me back to sleep though if I'm watching it happen, and when I used my astral awareness hands to grab at its wrist after it thought it put me back to sleep, it freaked right out and runs away not to return that night.

So in conclusion, I'm looking for suggestions. I'm not talented with making shields, at least I've never made one that stopped these things. The LBRP is something I've been attempting to learn, but again this hasn't produced results for me yet. So far my tactics have just been ignoring them, and I can get to sleep just fine. Except I wake up loose in my body all the time and see these things, sometimes I have a rough night waking repeatedly half asleep I grab at the hand of a golden coloured being with a head that only has two large holes and nothing else, then bite at its hand, trying to defend myself or something.

I never saw any of these things all until I started regular NEW practice, meditation, and AP, just so you know. But please, let me know what you all think.