Well, I don't often post here just read every so often but I thought I'd try to get some peoples opinions here. I've been in a relationship for nearly two years now, that is beginning to fail. I used to love the one I am with so much, and it flowed as a energy from us from one to another. It was so great and pure, and the first time I'd really experienced that with someone. For a period of three months, she was having a hard time with us and herself frequently telling my awful things about myself and telling me to break up with her. I stood my ground and tried to hold on to love as distance grew between us. I never once gave into the anger she was trying to get me to. Which infuriated her more as she would tell me. I've just never been able to do so. She said so many things that did hurt me. She would eventually apologize and then it would happen again. Were doing okay relationship wise now but the connection I once felt is gone. She acts like it was just like before all the hardships but I know something is different. My love I had for her still exists, but it's no longer the same. When I hold her in my arms, I don't feel the flow anymore. I try so hard to recreate it, but no fruit comes to bear. I am sometimes repulsed from her, which may sound horrible but what I once found attractive is no longer attractive to me. I don't know what changed in me or her but I cannot make the love come to be the way it was again. I've been thinking of ending this now, and she's done a 360 and is trying to defend it. I don't want to give up, and want to keep it afloat but I don't know if she is the one I am to marry anymore...yet she is pressing me to marry her. Were still both in college and busy, which compounds the issues. Its a long distance relationship currently too. I've never wanted to cheat, or have done so before but a friend of mine who I met this year has been hanging out with me and studying. The more I get to know her, the more I want to know. Sitting across the table from her I get the feelings I used to back when the love flowed back and forth from me and my first love. I won't act upon it, at least while still with my girlfriend yet I stand before two paths. I could either stay with my g/f of two years who I could see myself with forever...or used to anyways. Or I could end it and pursue other paths. In the end I'm just afraid, afraid of loosing what could be the only person I've ever had passionate love for. Yet my the rest of my heart longs for others. My heart has too many kingdoms. Anyone have advice for me? Maybe how to get the love back? I've tried so much...this has been going on so long and every time I discuss it she changes the subject. Right now my only Comforter is being very silent on this.