I witnessed the most bizarre thing on Monday, which I feel I may have inadvertently triggered somehow. I was complaining mildly (not being too emotional or anything) about my supervisor and about the difficulties being a female in engineering to another girl (R.) that I had recently met. I guess it was sort of an attempt to bond with her and it was going fine...until her good (male) friend S. entered the conversation (who I know, but not very well). He offered me some advice on how to present myself to the more prejudiced members of the 'old boys club', which I thought was relevant, I certainly wasn't offended or anything, but then R. started to become very emotional and said that I would never be able to get anything done because they would never take me seriously and I would never finish my project and I would go crazy and hate myself forever!!! and broke down into tears and ran out of the room. So, I guess this is a touchy subject for her, but I had not gotten that sense at all earlier. S. immediately ran out of the room after her to comfort her (I get the sense that he does that a lot, although they are definitely not dating). I waited a bit before going out to see what was going on mostly because I was so stunned by the suddenness of it. So when I went out there, it got even weirder. She couldn't seem to stop crying and he was clumsily attempting to comfort her/reason with her and getting more and more upset himself. The emotions just seemed to flow back and forth between without dissipating, just getting stronger. To me it seemed like reality was getting distorted and it was like two real people had suddenly taken on bad movie roles and actually became the characters. They even started to look 2-dimensional to me. I realized she (claimed to be) upset with him because she thought he'd been too hard on ME. Of all the people there, I was the least upset! I felt that since it was my little rant that had triggered this thing (whatever it was), I ought to break it up. I tried to explain that I appreciated both of their inputs to the conversation and that I didn't have a problem with either of them, but it didn't seem to be having any effect until I instinctively put my hand on R.'s shoulder (I am not a touchy-feely type person at all and I would usually never do that to someone I had just met) and then something sort of went 'click' and the world seemed normal again. And R. started to interact with S. like he was just a guy again and not some larger-than-life character. Poor S. was totally confused, but it was just his normal shyness again.

What happened? Anyone have any thoughts on this from an astral perspective? I'm still new to the metaphysical aspects of these things. Thanks!
