In a recent thread interpreting a dream, Oliver used the word "rebus".

rebus [ree-buss]
A representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols, often presented as a puzzle.
I thought I'd take a bit of time to illustrate the concept of dreams communicating their messages in the form of a rebus. To find out more, go to the Dream Interpretation section of

Recently, I had a short run of dreams in which I was appalled to find myself physically a male and expected to perform in male roles. In the first dream the actor Don Adams, passed me in the opposite direction. My first association was with "Don" being the male variation on my name "Donna". Then thought Adams and the association with "Adam" as representative of "Man". Oliver suggested to me that the dreams were about my reluctance to integrate male aspects of myself, the yang factor, if you like. This actually began to make more and more sense and brought me back to the rebus in the original dream in the series.

Further associations with "Don", yielded the idea of "Don" as a teacher. Then, there was also the aspect of "donning" as in wearing. So, this male aspect that I needed to wear had something to teach me. It was only then that I would "Get Smart", which, of course, is the series for which Don Adams was known and the very first association I made in interpreting the dream. My ability to integrate the male would be the secret agent that would facilitate my progress.