I decided to post this because I would like some help on interpreting the whole message that was given to me since now I think it has started to come true...

I was staying at some kind of semi-private beach house with shared common areas. All kinds of people kept coming and going. Some seemed to stay for quite a while and some didn't even stay for more than a few minutes. It seemed to be a place where people came to get advice or guidance of some kind. Everyone seemed to be just hanging out while they waited. I recognized a few of the people there and sometimes chatted with them.

After I had spent what felt like a week or two at the beach house, I got a message. It was as if someone was talking to me, but I couldn't see them. They seemed to understand me so well and be so knowledgeble that I didn't even think to question what they were saying. They were saying that soon I would find someone who shares my love of the color purple and that we would paint Atlantis together. In my minds eye I saw/partly experienced myself meeting a guy for the first time. We talked, but I don't know what we said to each other and it didn't really seem to matter. He was a painter. On a whim, I took one of his brushes and with some of his paint started to paint his nose and forehead bright blue. When I was almost finished I realized that the blue wasn't the right color, it should be purple instead. So I started to wash off the paint. He seemed amused and a bit puzzled by the whole thing and we both started to laugh.

Then the view changed and I was watching the two of us discuss one of his ongoing works. It was a large mural-sized painting but very detailed like a map. It was supposed to be of Atlantis. We were determining if he had put in all of the outlying pillars and towers that surrounded the city or if there were more further out. As I scrutinized the painting, it started to move and become almost real, like very detailed CGI. I saw the city and it was almost as he had painted it, but one of the towers was not in the right place and there were some strange pillars that he hadn't painted that marked the outermost boundaries of the city. As I pulled away from the 'CGI display', I described what I had seen to the guy and told him about moving the towers and adding the pillars. As our discussion continued, the vision started to fade out. Instead of being back at the beach house, I just woke up.

I take the first part of the message to mean that I will meet someone who is also into spiritual development (the color purple), but I have no idea what the Atlantis metaphor is all about. Anyone want to chip in their 2 cents? I would really appreciate it!