Quote Originally Posted by Tom
Okay - to begin with, do you use a meditation based on the side channels spiralling around shushumna or going up parallel to it?
I've only tried the ida/pingala channels during meditation a handful of times and I've tried them both, spiralling around and parallel to the center channel. I have never clearly felt them but I have clearly felt shushumna, which also circuits down both legs, arms and into the head. 8 wrapped around the chakras is typically how I imagine ida/pingala flowing.

mostly my energy work involves either a pinpoint or a blanket awareness. Also forming energy balls and holding the form,color and flavor while they are moving is important to me right now.

chakra work is pulsating/pumping/breathing within them.

most of my "meditations" are located in the brow and involve keeping a clear mind and either looking deeply in or trying to see further out.

Edit: rereading my post it seems I write too much off topic.
The ida/pingala spinning chakra connection makes sense to me but I've never felt it, only read about it.