I got my Q-Link last week and boy what a week!

Overall I noticed a huge increase in calmness. Stressful (or potentially stress-inducing) work and relationship situations no longer have the same effect - I remain calm and can think more clearly. This is great! But, I sense a "catch".

It's almost as if the amplitude of my emotions have been dampened, less negative feedback for sure (so less reactive stress), but in a way also less "passion". Tears would come to my eyes watching a beautifil sunset or being inspired by the words in some books - you know, where you see the truth of words etc. Now, with Q-Link, I am calm, more of the observer. Does Q-Link reduce passion or was I previously mis-identifying a stong emotion as passion?

One could argue that passion and despair are like the peaks and troughs of the emotional waveform. Does my Q-Link dampen this ? Have I always mistaken passion with the strong emotion?

If anyone else is using Q-Link I'd love to hear your thoughts.

In light