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Thread: A question

  1. #1

    A question

    Hello everyone,
    I haven't posted here yet, just trying to read and learn. I've been onto the neg problem in my life for about two years now, but I feel as lost as a newbie when trying to understand what is really going on. I've never seen or heard anything concrete, like shadows or ghosts or anything like that, I just feel things. I'm onto certain patterns in my life which I think is the neg trying to break me down. I'm a happy person and part of me has been trying to ignore the neg or negs, partly because I'm not sure how to handle the situation. I'm at a place in my life where I am ready to go to the next step, but I'm scared. I've used a few passive countermeasures, but I don't know how to really fight the neg and feel alone. For the past two months (out of years), it has been nice, no energy drain or dreaming patterns. I thought this was because I've been praying for a blessing so I can move forward in life (I'm pregnant, trying to build a straw bale house, etc), but for the past week, I've felt a negative change. The patterns seem to be starting again. I don't want to ramble on about these patterns because the post would be very long, but there is one I'll mention because I think I'm onto something here and could use other's opinions on it. I believe the main neg problem comes from my father-in-law and has been passed down to him by his mother, and so forth. He is an alcoholic, at his worst times, he'll drink a 30 pack a day. His wife is a teacher and he quits drinking when she's home for summer and holidays and tries to quit every time she goes back to work, so far it has never worked, he always starts drinking again. Anyway, he picks on me. I had to stop answering the phone when he calls because calls me while he's drunk and tries to fight with me and says perverted things. This past Christmas holiday, he quit drinking as usual, but his doctor also said he has to quit because he is killing himself, borderline diabetes, cholesterol and heart problems. He has been on this health trip trading in the huge bowls of ice cream and cookies for raw vegetables and fruit juice. So today something different happened. I had to go to his house this morning alone but to my relief he wasn't there. But when I walked through the door all the shades were closed and there was a disgusting smell kind of like rotting sausage and my four-year-old didn't want to be inside. I got what I needed and left. Two hours later, he calls. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and answered it. The same pattern has started, I could tell he had been drinking and he was asking me nosey questions, that's how it always starts. He wasn't mean yet, the next call might be, but I'm not answering it. Anyway, here's my question. Can a neg feed off of him and use that energy against me and my family? It's hard to describe but the air is so thick around me and so sudden after the wonderful energy I've been feeling the past couple of months, it seems to have an outside source. I'm not sure where to go from here, ignoring it seems to only provide temporary relief. I would truly appreciate input on this, I have an open mind about it. I've never asked anyone about this, I am so private about it.

  2. #2
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: A question

    You might try cutting the psychic ties between yourself and your father. This could help lessen the influence of any of his negative energy on your life. The Core Image Removal technique described on the AD website is one way to do this. Here's a link to some basic Psychic Self Defense techniques from the AD main site:

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    At the bottom of the garden
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    Re: A question

    Quote Originally Posted by Ouroboros
    You might try cutting the psychic ties between yourself and your father. This could help lessen the influence of any of his negative energy on your life.
    I second that wholeheartedly. As someone with destructive parents, I definitely recommend cutting the psychic ties and making sure they stay cut. There may be a backlash at first, when they sense (on some level, anyway) that they can't "reach" you any more, so be prepared for that, but it's definitely worth it to cut psychic ties to people who manipulate and drain you.

    Somewhere around this board is a post made by me about cutting ties to my father and the backlash from it. I'll dig the post out if you want to read it. I've had tremendous spiritual growth and healing since I started to regularly cut ties and place strong and clear psychic wards against my parents.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  4. #4
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    Re: A question

    And I think you got that we do think that a neg can be opportunistic and latch on to you if you are affected by his actions. I'd 'third' the above suggestions, and also recommend installing some sort of warding system in your new home (such as a fountain near the front door and talismanic wards throughout the house) and to try not to interact with him when he calls (like if he says something to you and you don't respond), just say something like "bless you" and hang up- something like that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: A question

    Thank you all for your advice. He's actually my father-in-law, I don't have a close relationship with him, so I imagine it would be easier to cut the ties. How cool about the fountain, ironically, I actually have one by the door in what we're living in now. I have a cross above the door but it keeps falling down so I just took a marker and drew it on the wall. I will hang more things up too. Ouroboros, thanks for the link and OlderWiser,I will try and search for your post, thanks.

    I hadn't been sleeping well for the past week, but last night I slept so well, I felt good today. I was afraid it would be a bad day due to some kind of backlash for posting!

    Thanks again!

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