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Thread: Stimulating energy body to remember dreams

  1. #1
    Matthew Guest

    Stimulating energy body to remember dreams

    Usually, when I wake up during the night, I automatically write down my experiences. Once I've written all that I can remember, I then drift back to sleep.
    But lately, I have been stimulating the energy body right after writing things down. I've noticed that stimulating the energy body while recalling "feelings" from dreams I can't quite remember allows many of them to emerge into consciousness.
    Basically, energy body stimulation upon awakening helps dream recall. Anyone else noticed this?

  2. #2
    MDK Guest
    i've did something close and similar. all i do if i can't recall my dream is don't think of anything i jjust like let the subconcious pop the dream into conciousness.

  3. #3
    Quantitativefool Guest
    Yes, obtaining a mental void after waking usually allows you to remember your dreams with increase clarity. Though I seem to notice it works only for some people, and if it doesn't work after a few tries, it probably won't. Though this could be entirely wrong.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    For immediate dream recall I will put my cheek on the pillow and feel the delicious softness of the pillow and kind of revel in it- I will suddenly start remembering whatever I dreamt last. It never fails.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    me Guest
    ive noticed that stimulating the enrgy body, or basically lying down and relaxing - can help you recall things, not just dreams. say a car registration or something.

  6. #6
    jalef Guest
    yeah the crazyest things pop into your mind when you try to calm it

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