Cut them, KEEP cutting them, practice shielding (which you should be doing all the time, anyway), and when you encounter the person, make sure you keep your shields up. Best thing is to ignore them as much as possible, but if you can't do that (like, say, you work with the person), you need to practice engaging with them on only the most basic and surface of levels. Do NOT engage with them in any emotional/mental/psychic way, because you allow them to "make contact" that way, and that's how ties get re-established.

If you give more details of the nature of the relationship, I might have more specific suggestions for you. I'm not trying to pry or anything, though.

If you really have trouble with them, a specific talisman/amulet against them might do the trick. I've had to do that with a couple of particularly persistent people with whom I got entangled.