Hi All -

So, either I have a ghost, or, my energies or my family member's energies (or something else) is causing manifestations/occurances through electronic devises in my home.

My doorbell goes off inexplicably, there seems to be no set pattern - and it doesn't even work when you press it - hasn't for some time. Also, my TV has been turning on and off all by itself. Almost daily. I am not kidding. It is not some sleep/wake setting either. It happens at different times.

I have had things happen before around me such as the radio switching on and off by itself - it was years ago - but now the electronics are misbehaving daily.

So, anyway, I can't "see" very well if you know what I mean - I can feel impending good/bad emotional impacts, in a variety of ways, I also get little clairvoyant/clairaudient inputs once in a while - but the doorbell and the tv are seemingly not connected in time or proximity to anything I am sensing or am shown - my little ability is way too vague to be of help. I do not sense and am not experiencing danger outside of everyday irritations and disappointments.

What I am doing with this post is looking for where the "bees" with human voices are that I can follow to figure this out - asking for direction, advice, input, experienced insight on potential causes - because something is wanting me to pay attention to it.
