A brief energy history before I explain my experiences:

I had done some of RB's energy practices a few years ago, but nothing consistent. While I could sense the energy and move it around, I felt more drawn towards yoga and Qi Gong. I began doing yoga and meditation daily. And gradually got to the point where I preferred simply meditating. I began Zan Zhong Qi Gong a few months ago (called Standing like a Tree). I am gradually working up to this and I'm only at the second position now. So I'm going slowly.

Recurring experience:
Occasionally over the past few years, I will experience this very strong, very painful energy surge in my base chakra. It seems to happen for no apparent reason. Sometimes it will wake me from sleep, sometimes I will be walking through the house when it starts. It feels like a very deep throbbing emanating from the base and extending up to almost my stomach. Its so painful I can't walk or stand or even sit. I need to lie on my side. I also get strong waves of nausea as the energy throbs. Its almost as if the energy is somehow touching/affecting my stomach. If I can lie down and lie still, the pain will usually dissipate after 15-20 minutes. But if I stand at all during this time, it increases again.

I also realize that pain is a relative term. So let me add that I am a woman who has 3 children, two of them were completely natural child births. And this energy pain is very much like the stage of labor where you start pushing, except that there's no urge to push.

Has anyone experienced this or have any thoughts on what's causing it?
