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Thread: Surfing

  1. #1


    Feb 25, 2009

    I dreamed that I was surfing through the halls of a big hotel. There was a man surfing as well. He was always a little bit behind me, and he seemed very amused with me.

    We were surfing so fast and no one else could keep up with us, even though they would try.

    We ended up in the lobby and I saw a black girl with her mother. The girl was my age, but she still seemed like a girl because she was always with her mom. Something very immature about it. I recognized this girl as my nemesis. She and her mother seemed to be trying to sabotage what they thought I wanted. I was laughing at them on the inside because what they thought I wanted wasn’t what I wanted at all. I wanted something different.

    They ended up getting caught in a trap that they meant for me; a shower with a big shower head in the middle of the lobby. They got soaking wet and very mad.

    The surfer was watching everything. I made him laugh. I amused him.

    Then I half-way woke up.

    As I was falling back to sleep, I became aware of movement. I was in an elevator going up. Some part of me outside of the dream sighs and thinks, “Good, I’ve been working towards this for 500 years…”

    The elevator stops and I get out. It’s dark, but I can tell I’m on the roof of the hotel. There is a purple mist swirling around the ground and it reaches up past my knees.

    Then I see the surfer guy there, and I’m very glad to see him.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Surfing

    I love surfing dreams- they remind me of my youth. For some reason it seems I can't have them anymore.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: Surfing

    I liked that dream - lots of good symbols.

    Like elevator - raising vibration? Lots of people at least visualise an elevator for just this purpose.

    Or a nemesis that tries to sabotage you - the Shadow dream character.

    Surfing faster than others - something about progess/moving forward? Especially since surfing is a movement with ease, like gliding.

    Lots of good stuff in there. Surely others have a take on the symbols. Would be interesting.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: Surfing

    Surfing means freedom for me- for the association I have with the feeling it gave me when I first did it. The euphoria is incredible. So that's what it means to me, pure joy.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Surfing

    This was the first time I dreamed about surfing. It has no meaning to me that I am aware of. I have never been surfing and have never wanted to go.

  6. #6
    sono Guest

    Re: Surfing

    Cool, that ties in with my post asking re odd dream "conveyances" - just some thoughtsabout your dream, it sounds to me as if you could be "riding the water of your emotions" within a contained, public context, but still have to contend with the "dark side" - but as you are aware of it, you can overcome it? And the general direction being "up" in the elvator, sounds positive & "conquering", too.. . ?

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