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Thread: Kundalini Problem

  1. #1

    Kundalini Problem

    Hi all,
    I'm a new member here but a longtime lurker great site btw

    First off a bit about my kundalini experencies, i had my first spontanous kundalini experience in mid 2005 one night when i had just gone to bed and it was major, it blew my mind i had no idea what was going on, i had never really meditated or even knew what kundalini was about.

    It started off my seeing the entire universe as a single cell type structure that kept poping in and out of existance, i became so to speak this single cell type structure so it felt like i was popping in and out of existance, then followed some intense obe, which i had never done before apart from a couple of lucid dreams.
    I've read many stories on forums about feeling and moving energy upwards, i never remember feeling anything like that for the first 6-7 months, it just happened boom so to speak.

    Over the next 2 weeks i had about another 2-3 kundalini experinces which where basically intense obe's i met a one of my spirit guides who was there to help in my chakra balancing, i had no idea whats that was at the time.

    Many many other simmiler events happend over the next few months until around march/april 2006 when i had the what i call the major one, when i mearged/became one when the source/christ conciousness or what ever you call it, my exprience was very simmler to roberts experince that i came across on the net (thats how i found this site btw)

    I've never had any other major kundalini everts happen after that, i have had obe's and talked to my spirit guides.

    Fast forward to today my mind is a mess so to speak, i have rapid moods swings, which include violent thoughts, my mind is racing at a 1000 miles an hour, its becoming difficult to watch a movie/read a book or internet pages because my mind is always on other things this really is becoming a problem.

    My mother is a medium and a reki master so i'm lucky in some respect that i can talk to her although she's not had any kundalini events so she doesn't fully understand it from my point of view.
    I've tried meditation it does work but i can't always meditate during day to day activaties.

    Any insight help will be most welcome.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Kundalini Problem

    Hey Sean.
    It does seem you are going through some rough stuff. I have a couple of questions-
    How old are you, and
    About how long ago did this confusion/mood swings start or change?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Kundalini Problem

    Hi CFTraveler,
    These rapid mood swings, racing mind have pretty much started in the past couple of months.
    I did however notice in the middle of last year that i became very very irritable and could loose my cool at the drop of a hat, and that continued up until the past couple of months, its pretty much still there but not as bad.
    I've often wondered if this is a progression of that.
    I'm 39 btw.


  4. #4
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    Re: Kundalini Problem

    Has anything external changed? Job, family situation?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Kundalini Problem

    I lost my job although it was only a temp position, and i hated it anyway, i was glad to be honest.
    Family situation is pretty much the same, i ended my relationship with my gf last april.

  6. #6
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    Re: Kundalini Problem

    Well, I'm sure you've heard that some mediums/channelers/etc. are speaking of something that's gearing up to happen- I tend to think that it's going to be some kind of massive 'ascension'- not so much a rapture-like event as some seem to think, but a massive jump in spiritual awakening. I personally think that it started some time ago- and because of the progress in manifesting power of the collective, all kinds of things are coming to the fore- and some of us, who have been having experiences (of all kinds) are finding themselves being swept in the mass flow of this, so to speak.
    Aunt Clair speaks of a collective ascension, and even though I consider myself more of an observer than anything else, I see it around me, and I experience some of this stuff.
    So take this chaotic manifestation event, put in someone who has the kind of home life who allows for an open mind (and acceptance of these things we experience but others deny), and then throw in some stress of the 'regular kind'- relationship & job- and you got yourself a heck of a cocktail.
    Experience has taught me that when you are in a situation that you're used to, and you end it, there is a series of conflicting things coming out- the relief of not being in a bad situation anymore, and the loss of direction- the 'adrenaline crash' of the 'newly liberated'. Sometimes we get used to stress and when it goes away, we don't know what to do. Human nature, I suppose.
    I don't have any advice other than keep on trying to live your life knowing that things will change, and find someone to talk to, and talk their head off.
    Sometimes it's all it takes- I'm sure others will have more 'proactive' advice (like if you can't meditate try tai chi, for example) or words of wisdom.
    All I got is empathy.
    I wish you well.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7

    Re: Kundalini Problem

    Thanks for the kind words

    Take care

  8. #8
    Jananz Guest

    Re: Kundalini Problem

    Hi Sean,
    I Suggest you listen to Jeffrey Thompson's Awakened Mind series...and theta meditation cd. This will balance you out.

    Integrating the Schismed Self
    The bias in the right hemisphere is to process global information, and the bias in the left hemisphere is to process local. The brain does this because parallel processing of global and local levels of an object of attention provides overall shape and finer details more rapidly than if just one mechanism was involved. Studies with split-brain patients have shown that the corpus callosum may be necessary to integrate global and local levels normally. Without the corpus callosum, the hemispheres act as if they are independent, but when the callosum is intact, they cooperate in ways that we are just beginning to understand.

    A unilateral bifurcated brain…that is an anaesthetizing lobotomization of the brain hemispheres is the general pattern of brain function within the subtle tyranny of pyramid (status brain damaged) cultures. The self-rejection/self-exclusion mechanism is how we maintain our separation (default boundaries) and smallness. The primary schism of self-rejection makes the brain hemispheres operate more independently and oppositionally rather than together - meaning that our adaptive cunning brain can be cut off from emotion, empathy and intuition and thus operate independent of wisdom or moral sense and universal or the highest capacities of our cosmic daimon.

    We leave the world of power-over culture behind, into a more power-with unified experience by not defaulting into alignment with the disharmonious patterning of the old culture, but by active individuation and becoming a spontaneous preceptor of the new. Venturing forth into internal space where no man has gone before. With vision we raise ourself up from our own utilitarian abuse of ourselves, freeing ourselves from autonomated enslavement to a dying system of fear based reality that is no longer working for us.

    Experience becomes flesh which in turn generates experience. Through our experience our brain must work out how to organize the sensory signals it receives for it to perceptually map that world adequately for survival. If we can become aware of the patterns of our energy/consciousness that compose this perceptually map we can shift our personality, mood and lifestyle more towards that which is resourceful and works for us and not against us. Positively change the internal map of reality and our outer reality changes more to our liking…whatever doesn’t work falls away automatically. If we don’t harmonize our personality and mood with healthy diet and lifestyle habits it damages our cognitive abilities and this reduces our brain function as we age and we fail to attract experience that serves us.

    Whole brain functioning improves emotional intelligence, preventing the self denial and self sabotage that occurs when the hemispheres operate more independently and oppositionally. Integration increases the precision of pattern recognition, subtle differentiation, creativity, intelligence, problem solving, boundaries, and perceptual integration in everyday experience associated with actualized, successful and mature levels. Neuro-integrative technologies like Holosync or Jeffery Thompson’s brainwave meditations and other binaural practices that develop whole brain intelligence helps us to recover our humanity in the deepest sense of the word. Any changes you wish to make are expedited by the use of brainwave technologies due to the increased neural plasticity and neuron growth, allowing a more spontaneous, holistic interaction with reality. Stress, suffering, struggle, friction, disease and the other symptoms of disharmonious patterning effortlessly fall away.

    De-automation through de-patterning allows the brain to be more liable and self-aware, de-structuring habits in the mind, allowing re-construction and freeing us to make more responsible adjustments to reality in everyday life.

    The cult of generated by the disconnect from nature and cosmos...but more poignant than this even, is that egoic spirituality reflects a loss of soul, and is perpetuated by religious and commercial substitutes that pretend to offer the goods. The evolution to sovereignty is the answer to all our manmade ills. It is the next essential stage in our species development which is long overdue. We now have to remember what it is to be human in the deepest sense of the word…for our species survival…in any kind of noble condition. ... interview/ —Dave Wolfe talking to Bill Harris of Centerpoint. —Nassim Haramein - Coast to Coast 9/18/09 ... re=related —The hidden harmonic codes of the universe part 1/12 David Sereda

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