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Thread: Uncomfortable sensations in third eye

  1. #1
    wer Guest

    Uncomfortable sensations in third eye

    I've been doing energy work on and off for about 3 years now, but I just started practicing avidly a couple months ago. I've noticed throughout all my years of experimentation with chakra stimulation that my third eye is stimulated very, very easily. All I must do is concentrate on it to get a strong pulsing sensation right in the center of my brow, that continues to pulsate even after I stop focusing on it. Sometimes it is so intense that I have to end the session just to get it to stop.

    I was wondering what this means. I'm a little concerned that it may indicate a strong blockage in that area, but wouldn't it be completely devoid of sensation if that is the case? What does this sensitivity imply?

    Does anyone have any advice on how I should approach this?


  2. #2
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    Re: Uncomfortable sensations in third eye

    I would think two things- yes, it could indeed be a blockage, or it could be overstimulated. (As in oversensitive). To tell which, I would ask you-
    Have you been doing a lot of energy work on the third eye area?
    Are you one of these people that 'thinks' a lot, sees everything from every possible point of view, is attracted to 'cerebral' pursuits?

    This should help point you in the right direction.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    wer Guest

    Re: Uncomfortable sensations in third eye

    I am definitely someone who is attracted to cerebral pursuits. I suppose that I am also someone who thinks a lot, and I try and see everything from every point of view.

    In the past the brow was the main chakra I worked on, partially due to the fact that I am attracted to cerebral pursuits
    Since then I've realized that this was foolish, and I haven't worked on my third eye for a little over a year now. The few times that I have stimulated my brow this year have always resulted in very strong pulsing sensations.

    What are possible side effects of an overactive third eye (assuming that my other chakras are not as developed)?

  4. #4
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    Re: Uncomfortable sensations in third eye

    You described it- a cerebral person who ponders a lot.
    If you have headaches chances are you need to modify your routine (using water energy instead of active energy when you do energy work on your third eye). And NO third-eye trigger.

    Certain symptoms could point out to other underdeveloped chakras, (while having a naturally 'on' third eye) like for example:

    Forgetful or obsessive, misses out on stuff because you're too busy thinking (not enough base chakra action)
    Think a lot but no action (need more sex chakra)
    Obsess a lot and gets angry over stuff no one else gets angry about (a combo of too much solar plexus (or not enough) and not enough heart chakra)- depends on 'what sets you off'.

    If you're not inbalanced (as in you develop all the other ones and are still having problems I'd go with water element stuff (and see how it goes) and indirect third eye stuff (like some of Bardon's memory exercises, play with your colors, etc.) and see how it goes.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    star Guest

    Re: Uncomfortable sensations in third eye

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    You described it- a cerebral person who ponders a lot.
    If you have headaches chances are you need to modify your routine (using water energy instead of active energy when you do energy work on your third eye). And NO third-eye trigger.

    Certain symptoms could point out to other underdeveloped chakras, (while having a naturally 'on' third eye) like for example:

    Forgetful or obsessive, misses out on stuff because you're too busy thinking (not enough base chakra action)
    Think a lot but no action (need more sex chakra)
    Obsess a lot and gets angry over stuff no one else gets angry about (a combo of too much solar plexus (or not enough) and not enough heart chakra)- depends on 'what sets you off'.

    If you're not inbalanced (as in you develop all the other ones and are still having problems I'd go with water element stuff (and see how it goes) and indirect third eye stuff (like some of Bardon's memory exercises, play with your colors, etc.) and see how it goes.
    Frankly I read this stuff and can comprehend it, but I can't even seem to put that much together for someone who has an issue liek that.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Uncomfortable sensations in third eye

    Quote Originally Posted by wer
    I've been doing energy work on and off for about 3 years now, but I just started practicing avidly a couple months ago. I've noticed throughout all my years of experimentation with chakra stimulation that my third eye is stimulated very, very easily. All I must do is concentrate on it to get a strong pulsing sensation right in the center of my brow, that continues to pulsate even after I stop focusing on it. Sometimes it is so intense that I have to end the session just to get it to stop.

    I was wondering what this means. I'm a little concerned that it may indicate a strong blockage in that area, but wouldn't it be completely devoid of sensation if that is the case? What does this sensitivity imply?

    Does anyone have any advice on how I should approach this?

    I suggest you switch to the microcosmic orbit meditation for a time. There is documentation around here somewhere on how to do it. It moves energy from places where it is in excess and grounds it in places where there are deficiencies. It should continue to push your development forward while helping to ease the sensitivity. It isn't about blockage.

  7. #7
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    Re: Uncomfortable sensations in third eye

    And if that's too complicated, do the full-body circuit, which kind of does the same thing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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