I’m driving in a car through an unfamiliar landscape, mountains and small lakes. The buildings and architecture are similar to ours but something is slightly different. A feeling of being lost comes over me but I continue to drive as if I know where I’m going. I turn a corner and before me is a large steel bridge which leads out over a body of water and on the other side it terminates into a mountain. On top of the mountain is a large structure with a huge clock facing the bridge as if welcoming you home. The structure is box shaped with a pitched roof, tan in color. The roof protrudes out over the clock face which is white with black hands. The clock face shows no numbers just tic marks. When I see the clock there is a brief moment of relief. As if I found what I was looking for. I continue to drive over the bridge and into the mountain through a cave.

As I come out on the other side it is like I went through a time machine. I’m on foot now and the car is gone. I look back towards the clock and can see that the tunnel comes out of the mountain just below it and a road runs off deeper into a city. Everything is aged and falling apart, the plant life is encroaching into the city and overgrowing everything. It suddenly turns to dusk and I become aware of another presence, It’s a woman, I don’t know her by looking at her physically but sense that I do know her on another level. She has straight sandy blonde hair and a petite build. She seems very curious about the forest that is encroaching on the city and runs into it. I stand watching for her to come back out but she never does. I become nervous for her safety and run up to the edge of the woods. I begin searching for her but not in a normal fashion, it feels like I’m sending out waves of energy into the forest looking for her signature. I turn a number of different directions and I feel a pulse come out of me, I can’t find her and realize she is gone.

I turn towards the clock again and the scene has changed once more. The backside of the structure that contained the clock is gone and now has what appears to be a huge electrical motor inside of it. The energy it is creating is a gold/orange color. You can see the energy inside the motor and flowing around it as well. It appears to be magnetic in nature as the energy comes out of one pole and then swirls around into another, it looks like a little sun. There are two sets of fan blades spinning in opposite directions on the end that allow you to see inside of it. Coming out of the base of the motor on each side, left and right, are huge conduits which are contained in glass walls about twenty feet high. The walls are rounded at the top and twice as wide at their base. They are also segmented in three portions with ribs in the glass running horizontally every inch or so. The interior of the walls are filled completely with a turquoise liquid. Inside the walls along the conduit there is another box every thirty feet where the energy can be seen. I turn and look towards the city and can see that they go as far as I can see splitting at points to supply other areas. It is really a quite beautiful sight and I am mesmerized for quite some time by it.

The scene shifts again and now I’m standing outside of a house washing a car. A woman approaches me and I recognize her as the woman I lost on the other world. She is older now, same build but a lot of gray in her hair. I ask her “what happened to you back there” and she says” I got caught in an energy worm.” She asks what happened to me and I replied “I decided not to go back to (I can’t remember the name) and came here to St. Louis instead.” She smiles at me and then I wake up.