Last night I had a short dream where I was going on a cruise, and when I got on I realized it was the same boat I had lost $20 on not long before. I decided to see if it had been turned in anywhere (hah) and pretty soon a staff member came to my room and started counting out $20,000. I told him it had only been $20, and he got really irritated and gave me the $20. The name of the ship may have been important in that I recognized it by the name when I got on, but I don't remember what it was now.

I get that this may mean I'm unknowingly holding off abundance in some way, but beyond that I'm a bit stumped. If I knew what the actual faulty patterning was I'm sure I could change it easily enough, but I've done so much work on this issue already that I'm not sure what's left. o_O

Maybe I'm too honest for my own good?

Cruise ships and Vegas / casinos are common dream settings for me, and have been for a few years, by the by. I just figured that was because I used to live a short drive from the real Vegas, and have been on a cruise in the past, and both were fun times that probably left an imprint. I know casinos as a dream symbol can mean you're "leaving too much to chance and not taking enough action," but given my tendency to try and exert a deliberate say in all parts of my life, which I'm trying to tone down at this point, I'm not sure that's it.

So... hmmm.