I treat dreams like cheap horoscope readings or voices in my head. If it is good advice, or reveals something good or bad I didnt know about, then I listen intently, and act on it. But yeah, I've had both dreams and voices try to lead me astray, rarely now, but quite often some years ago. Not long ago I was upset at my lack in progress, remembering how I was in the past. I then had a dream a weasle stole a large sum of money from people for me. 'You are now equal if not surpassing your former glory' he said. For me money in a dream means energy, lifeforce, spiritual currency. I was so ferverently against what the weasle did in the dream that the idea that I took part in it upset me so much I had something of a breakdown. Luckily I dont recall ever having a bad experience in my life; I dont care about the past or future now. The point is if we arent in the right mind, then things can come and mess with our dreams. It can be jiberish from external stimuli, neg causing mischief, or an animal "helping", all of wich could lead you astray if you take it too seriously. 'Course if your beyond the reach of those things then its pretty much all psychic and subconcious paydirt.