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Thread: Do extraterrestrials have chakras and kundalini?

  1. #21

    Re: Do extraterrestrials have chakras and kundalini?

    There are some serious flaws with this particular study, but hopefully in a few years we will know the truth for sure.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Do extraterrestrials have chakras and kundalini?

    Revised answer ;

    Quote Originally Posted by ps24eva
    Copied topic from 'Ask RB'-CF

    1. Do extraterrestrials have the seven chakras and kundalini?
    Yes they have chakras but the placement and basal number varies. Kundalini and the Tree of Life is not only universal to all ancient cultures but it is in all sentient life forms. It has different names though and it looks diverse names though.

    I believe that the hominids and early humans had limited growth but that kundalini was there and the potential was there in ancient times. For example the Tree of Life is a paradigm of kundalini nourishing the spine . Typically a serpent or dragon is below the tree. Sometimes the serpent guards the tree. This Tree motif is a universal archetype which existed in ancient Egypt , Middle East , Assyria, India, Mayan, Incan , Norse , Celtic et cetera. This would indicate that Kundalini was present there also globally .

    Evidence of this exists and the mystic may find it ;
    *in the Temple of the Worlds in the Golden Domed Museum complex in Shamballah. There the mystic can see all sentient lifeforms and take tours lead by docents whom answer knowledgably.

    *Also there is a realm under the River of Enlightenment which is near the realm called the Eleusian/Elysian Fields which the higher planes aspect of an afterlife realm of the ancient Greco Roman society.There on that beach one can meet with countless forms of deceased and projecting aliens from other worlds.

    *There is a lodge which has various names amongst mystics. Robert has been there. He has described his projection through the Window on the Edge of the Universe by changing the elemental nature of the projection from a solar form to a magnetic one to pierce it easily. Once the mystic crosses this threshold they are welcomed to the ashram there which some call the blue lodge, the white lodge or Sirius. I do not like calling a people by a star because it is mathematically not precise it will only give us a fuzzy trajectory but space is not linear it is 3D.

    * Magicians whom are worldwalkers have concurrent and past lives on other worlds and these magicians are rare but they have a few things in common , they always have recollections in dreamstate or trance of seeing aliens in projection perhaps or as deceased spirits. One magician I know is a world walker and she has a daughter whom is also a world walker. Robert Bruce is a world walker as is our son Billy. I am not. I am developing that in this life. The magician must graduate from the curriculum of this world before they live on several.

    *I have not seen a physical alien but together in circle we have seen many aliens who projected to our circle. And many others whom have been met during projection to other dimensions. Some aliens have different patterns to their chakras . For example, typically the chakras appear along a spine . But not all lifeforms have an internal skeleton. I have seen chevron style chakras on a locust /grasshopper like alien. And souls who have lived on other planets can draw this energy to them and wear it like a garment during a reading. So Robert Bruce typically has human chakras but he startled me when I saw double lines of chakras originating from the perineum and splitting into a v like shape upwards upon him. I have only seen this chevron formation of chakras on a very few people. Our son Billy has this too. I do not...yet.
    Also some aliens have pronounced chakras in the limbs. Humans do develop their minor chakras in the limbs and some develop these massively but some aliens seem to have innate limb chakras that do not appear minor in size or function.

    2. Did Neaderthal man have kundalini?(which was a modern human species that evolved through a completely different lineage, and ultimately killed off by us regular humans).
    I am convinced that they did and that it is latent and innate in all sentient lifeforms.
    3. What is the link between biological evolution and this chakra/kundalini stuff?
    Kundalini improves the nature and consciousness of the human condition and creates in them a closer resemblance to their makers. The evolution of consciousness is a goal of Godhead who created us to become in their image.
    GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995) Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make humans in our image, in our likeness... I believe that the grand design is to make vessels on earth which can incarnate God source. To allow the children of God to walk upon a planet , truly. I feel that the full measure of light burns the nervous system and life cannot be sustained long in that manner. Avatars are rare . Consider that Christ incarnations often die young.I believe that one reason for this is that the magician can not carry the full measure of elohimic god light within the physical body at this stage of our evolution. Christ says in the apocrypha that 2000 years from then , which is now, the perfection of the human condition will begin to allow us to follow him. He projects a legion of angels from his body and tells the apostles that he has returned to them from the future where he was teaching another generation of humanity to follow him.
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

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