so in my quest to get to know this guide who seems to be there for me, i've begun requesting that he show me something of his own life or his own world in my dreams. one response was this dream - viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14685

the other night i asked him to show me something of any past lives we might have known each other in...

we were brothers, sons of a ruler, the king, or emperor of some place.
from the way we were dressed and the interior of the building, it looked like maybe medieval/ viking times.
we both had dark hair, quite long, with beards. i also seem to remember wearing brown furs.
i think i was the younger, cos he was next in line for the throne.
there was a problem tho. he was an unkind man, and the people didn't want him to rule.
they wanted me to be next to rule, which he of course didn't like.
also, i think i had some skill in magic, which he was jealous of too. there was a moment where i slipped out of time/ space for some reason, and when i returned he was furious and tried to kill me.