okay this might seem a little strange..

background -
when i'm lying in bed, i ask to be shown certain things. the source of the information varies.
often i ask my higher self, and often i ask a particular guide i've been in touch with for a while.
for a while there i was under the impression he was from the Pleiadean system.
the friend who introduced me to him, was told by her guide, who is apparently from the Pleiades, to tell me about him.
tho at the time she only told me he was a male light being looking out for me. she didn't actually say he was Pleiadean in origin.
so usually, when i'm directing requests to him, i ask "my Pleiadean guide".
as time has passed, i've come to recognize his "energy signature" in these dreams. i know which dream is being influenced by him, almost as soon as it starts.
now he's becoming so familiar to me, when i'm still, and directing my consciousness toward him, i can almost feel his response intuitively.

so what's been happening is, when i'm asking him for something, i still direct the thought to my Pleiadean friend, but for a while now, i've been receiving an amused feeling back that tells me he's not actually Pleiadean.

so last night i asked him to let me know where he originates from. i asked for some obvious symbolism, that would give me a clue of the name, as we humans would know it, for his star system.

what ensued was a strange dream, which was like i was watching a tv show, but also playing a part in it.
in it i had 2 guys, who seemed like Brothers, who took it upon themselves to look out for me.
at one point on of them kinda morphed into a dog-like creature, and was walking around on all fours.
i had to say to him, "come on, you're not a dog! get up".
he had a strange skin, it was a strange texture, not quite reptilian, but it did seem hard, like scales. and it was an even black colour. now that i think of it he had no hair either. and he ended up giving me a bunch of money, cos he knew he was in a state of greater abundance than me.

next i was watching a scene in the tv show.
a boy and his Sister were fighting. they were twins. they both had dark hair with blue streaks. it was a bit disturbing cos it looked real, but in the back of my mind was always, "it's only a tv show".

these were the 2 parts of the dream that kinda stuck out, there was a bunch of other stuff in there, including my own Sister, but i reckon that's cos i've been in touch with her a few times in the past few days. tho Brothers and Sisters come up a few times.

so i guess my question is, does any of that relate to what any of you guys know of names or histories of stars or star systems?

a black dog? the dog star, that's Sirius right?
Twins? maybe some destructive conflict happening at some time in the past. binary stars perhaps? colliding?

any thoughts?...