before i started energy work and meditation usually when i died in dreams i woke up imediately. Since a few months i get lucid dreams when i die in a dream but only if death sint violent. then i realize: 'hey im dead, i can do everything i want now' (i dont realize that i dream but the effect is the same).
in a dream a few day ago i even died because a rocket hit the car i was in what i believe to be a quite violent death
this time i didnt wake up but fetl vibrations and myself rising out of my (dream)body. i saw psychedelic blue colors and felt both my body and myself out of body then i thought in my dream: 'why should i die now? better i will live!' then i was back in my dreambody and lost lucidity and a normal dream continued.

Was this just a normal dream about having an OBE or was it an OBE But i was still dreaming or just normal lucid dream?