His stories are fascinating....but really that's all I can call them for now, stories. My problem with his books and this video are the same. There's no one else involved to testify that yes he went to these places, experienced and did these things. I want to know that he's not lying. Is that..bad?
No, smart in my opinion. We're so on the same page.

I would like to agree with the mayans. But I decided that long ago that I can not believe that the world will change for good in the mere twinkle of an eye. It's nice feeling. But it's no different then age old christians waiting for Jesus to come on a cloud to save them.........I can't wait for the world to change for me.
My reaction too and yet it panders to the absolute optimist in me. I notice this part was very light on detail while the doom and gloom was somewhat more specific. I wondered if we'd all experience oneness and a higher dimension because we'd essentially be dead.

I also want to know how much of what the mayans said is literal, or did they speak to drunvalo in a metaphorical language? is the 30 hours of darkness literal, or metaphorical? and if its literal, what can cause it?
I had a vague plan to investigate the effect (if any) of pole shift/ magnetic fields on vision and or atmosphere but then I got absorbed in imagining all the implications of everything being blind for thirty hours (like an even worse "Day of the Triffids") and clearly lacked the mental discipline for such a left brain pursuit as research. I didn't start a novel or a movie script either.

and the part with the crystal skulls was mildly disturbing
Not even mildly. I had this vision of the current Mayans carrying out the ceremonies to release those knowledge custodians and the grandmothers (and I had all kinds of cynical thoughts about that because I'm a woman this life around) and integrate their wisdom and experience only to discover that it didn't work. Imagine the meeting: "Ah, guys let's just pretend we know everything and enjoy unprecedented power."