Through my meditation practices and energy work, a recurrent perception of what may be called "nadis" has become a regular, spontaneous occurance for me. It occurs most frequently during the very early morning hours, is common during meditation, but also occurs spontaneously during many periods of inner silence during each day and often also when my mind is focused on a specific interest, often even while reading a book. My question is whether others have become aware with these "nadis" which seem to be subtle energy channels and how they perceive them, how they feel, what structure they have to others, and how they may be utilized if at all for spiritual practice.

They have been appearing to me off and on for over a year, within the past six months what might be described as the "rising steam" energy of chi has also appeared while playing with the nadis that seem to extend from my hands / fingers. this wavery, steam like energy seems to be able to be condensed w/ intention on pushing energy from ones palms. would be interested to hear of anyone's experience w/ nadis, how they perceive them, and how this perception of them could be utilized. thanks!