I'm taking this from a post i posted in the PAPI workshop forum. Seemed pretty interesting:

I just so happened to have woken up earlier than i normally do today and saw this post and decided to try it.

I popped in condition D and lay down in bed.I reached out for the relaxation state that i get from listening to the relaxation cd and felt very heavy and relaxed.

I don't know how long i was laying there but there was a few times when i started to hear myself breath heavy.

Each time i noticed it i got taken out of the deep state so i told myself to just keep going when i hear myself breathing heavy.

At some point i got full body buzzing and knew that this was a good sign.The buzzing was not harsh at all a very light general buzzing across the board.

when i felt the buzzing i thought i felt a little pop and i remember thinking that i must have just gotten out but missed the exit. So, i reach out to see if i could feel for the part of me that just exited but nothing happened. So, when nothing happening i figured that maybe i didn't get out and i am still in the process of getting out.

By now i started feeling disasociated and i tried opening my eyes. at first i thought that i was awake but then i looked at my hands and nothing was there. Where my hands should have been just looked like disturbed air, kind of like heat waves.

I immediately tried rope and only got a little bit of elevation but then i would get pulled right back down. I tried thinking of somewhere in my apartment to try to kind of port myself over there and nothing happened.

I tried affirmations "move now" nothing happened. I just lay there unable to move.I gave up on that and decided to do some loosening exceresizes that i read on astraldynamics forum's in a post by CFTraveler. I did a little of energy rocking back and forth but clicked out somewhere in the process. I woke up a little frustrated but kept the condition D playing and rolled over on to my side.

At some point i fell asleep and was dreaming that i was listening to Robert Monroe speaking on top of some kind of very narrow tower in the middle of an open grassy plain. The tower was a winding and there was no hand rail so i was a little trepid when i was walking up to the top of the tower.

When i got to the top i just stood there looking around and when i realized how high up i was i kind of froze and started to panic thinking how on earth am i going to get back down. During my thought process of trying to figure out how to get back down. Robert Monroe said "what if you just jump"? I said to myself if i were dreaming i could do that but i don't know if i am dreaming or not. At that point i figured why not look around for something weird and out of the ordinary and if i find something weird enough i could just jump down from the top of this tower safely.

As i looked around i saw a distant explosion in the air out of now where, and i saw a dunkin donuts sign for some reason?????

I knew i was dreaming at this point and i admitted it to myself and jumped down from the tower and shot off into the air flying and yelling to myself to go faster and faster. I saw a portion of the sky that where the clouds where violet. I flew towards it pushing my self to go faster and faster until i was surrounded by the violet colors.

It was really really beautiful in the violet clouds but i was only able to stay there for a few seconds before i woke up.

One thing i noticed before i opened my eyes was that the violet color that i see behind my eyes when doing the relaxation cd was there and as i started to become fully awake the colors there began to fade until they were gone and i opened my eyes and ran to the computer to write this.

**I added a little edit notice here just to ask to pardon my spelling and grammar as i wrote this right as i woke up.