The mother of my significant other posted a link on Facebook about prayers for a member of her family. I went to the site, and the story made me sad. She is an eight year old girl with a tumor that was, apparently, largely removed, but still causing her problems. The tumor has recently grown quickly and aggressively once again.

If anyone could send some love or healing her way, I'm sure it would be appreciated. No one, especially such a young child, should have to suffer something like a brain tumor. Anything to help this poor child get along better ...

She can be found on Caring Bridge here.

EDIT 9/25/09: Carolyn has passed on, and has found her peace. Thanks for the loving energy, I am sure it helped ease her suffering before she could let go. You can send some love to her family if you like, as this is surely not an easy time for them. Thanks for your support.