Soul Retrieval - Mending the Fragmented Self by Sandra Ingerman, a practising shaman with MA in counselling psychology, is a simply written book explaining the work she and others like her perform and giving a little bit of information on how shamanism is practised in traditional settings.

Ingerman discusses how soul loss occurs when individuals experience what they perceive as trauma. Certain aspects of their personality fracture and preserve themselves by taking refuge in areas of Nonordinary Reality, such as The land of the Dead or The cave of Lost Children. If there is too much soul loss, the individual will feel a sense of emptiness, apathy and joylessness. He/she may even become ill. As a shamanic practitioner she works with her power animal to bring back fragments of soul for her client. After this, it is up to her client to integrate these lost aspects back into their lives and prevent them leaving again.

The book also covers the topic of soul theft. This is said to occur when someone unconsciously or consciously envies someone else's talents and energy or will not let go of a relationship. She believes that the stolen part of soul is useless to the thief.

Ingerman asserts that her practice speeds the progress of her patients in therapy. It is her belief that one cannot cannot really work with a fractured soul, that therapy and soul retrieval work well together.

Ingerman is very passionate about the work she does. She has received messages that the earth itself approves of humans reuniting with these fragments. That it is only when people are whole that they'll take the actions necessary to heal the planet.