i'm with a friend V, and we're flying over the town i grew up in.
we're very high in the air, the ground is so far away. it's night, but as we fly, the dawn breaks over the land. it's beautiful.
we get to the coast, and i see structures in the water that aren't usually there.
as we descend, i see an old pier structure out over the shallow water. the structure is no longer connected to the land, so it's inaccessible. on it, i see 7 large white pigs. very large pigs!

V tells me the pigs are wild boars, a local legend. i ask how they survive out there.
he tells me a pelican scoops fish from the sea and delivers them to the boars, along with strange bugs (insects) that live in the water, which are the source of the unusual growth hormones that made them so damn big.

we land next to the pier, the one that actually exists.
down at the end of the pier is a large cage, inside which are more pigs. small ones this time.
we head down to the cage. these pigs belong to V, and we're gonna catch some for us to eat.
V's girlfriend appears with a Land Rover and a trailer. she sets up a large bbq on the pier.
i catch a pig easily, and it's super cute and friendly, like a puppy, playing in my arms.
happily we're putting the live pigs into the Land Rover to take away somewhere.
V comes out of the cage with some pre-butchered legs and ribs. we throw them on the bbq and they start getting crispy. the smell is delicious.

we start eating, and V's gf starts throwing huge, strange looking parts of what look like insect bodies onto the bbq. i ask what they are and she says they're giant lobsters.
i go and help her throw them on. the smell is amazing. i love seafood!
we eat a bunch more of this crispy delicious stuff.

one of my friends appears, someone i know from back home.
V gets into the Land Rover, and myself and the 2 girls get into the trailer behind.
we drive off up the road, getting faster and faster.
looking out the front i see lots of traffic ahead. we increase in speed.
we get even faster, the sound of the engine becomes a high pitched scream. V swerves across to the wrong side of the road. to avoid the oncoming traffic he goes onto the pavement, and i know we're gonna crash.
we hit the railing at the edge of the beach, so hard.

going thru my mind is the fact that most drunk drivers escape from crashes unscathed, due to their relaxed state.
i grab onto something, and the crash happens in slow motion. my mind is still, and i feel no fear.
the land rover flips, and then the trailer follows.
everything turns upside down. i see the landscape thru the window turning over and over. we must have rolled about 4 or 5 times, and i'm thrown out the window.
i land on my feet, running.
i run up after the land rover to see if my friends are okay.
they all climb out, dazed but unhurt.

i tell V he's gotta slow down.
i wake up..

in my old apartment in Edinburgh. my friend C, who was in the dream, is there. (i used to live with her in real life)
we go out and get into a car, she's driving.
it's a battered old American touring car, looks like it's been well used.

we drive into the country, to a large house surrounded by trees and fields.
in the house we meet Mishell and Korpo.
it's the first time we've met.

they show us round their lovely home.
it's large, spacious, quite minimally decorated with interesting art pieces.
we sit down on the floor on cushions to have some food. there's an open fire, it's a cozy relaxed scene.
i tell them about my dream, of the pigs and the crash.
i ask them where their Son is. he's asleep in the room.
a moment later we hear the sound of a young child, and their Son comes toddling round the corner, with a guy, who's in his 20s. he introduces himself as the Grandfather. i shake his hand.

i go exploring upstairs. my teeth start to fall out. i think this is wierd, as i've been to the dentist twice in the past week, and i know my teeth are fine, but my mouth is full of them. i realize i can still feel my teeth in my gums. i spit them out into my hand, and see that it's not teeth at all. it's bits of uncooked pasta!
Mishell comes and shows me a HUGE hallway. it runs the length of the house, and the walls are covered in weaved materials. very soft and comfortable.
i tell her it feels like i've known them for ages. she agrees.

we all go outside, and Korpo gets on a motorbike. i get on a mountain bike.
we start riding around the muddy landscape, thru the trees and over rough ground.
it's fun. i can't get up a large muddy hill, but i still manage to do a few cool jumps.
the girls are watching from the door of the house.

after, C and i say thanks for having us over, and we leave in the old car.