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Thread: What type of energy is NEW using, in Bardon's terms

  1. #1

    What type of energy is NEW using, in Bardon's terms

    Hi,I have been trying to figure out what type of energy NEW uses, in Bardon's terms. Is it vital energy, akashic, elemental, electric, magnetic...? It seems to me to be a form of the vital energy, but I'm not certain. I would love to hear from anyone more knowledgeable than I.

    Thanks everyone for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: What type of energy is NEW using, in Bardon's terms

    Well....If I had to characterize energy in 'elemental' terms, I'd say vital. Whether it's magnetic, electric, etc. is a product of what you do with it- according to Bardon and Clark, IIRC, the description of elemental energy is not necessarily what it is, but what it does. Therefore, if it radiates, it's electric- if it contracts, it's magnetic, and if it's at either end of the 'true' element (which would be fire and water) it can be air (which is the moment in between fire and water when it's at it's most incoherent) and if it's at it's most dense it can be earth. According to Clark (IIRC) earth and air are not 'true' elements, but states of energy.
    So I'd say that because we are dealing with energy in our bodies, by definition it would be 'vital', but whether it's fire, water, air or earth depends on what you mostly use it for.
    I always say that energy is energy, until you do something with it. Then it acquires it's elemental property.
    And remember, akashic is the quintessence of all energy, so all energy will combine to form what was in it in the first place- quintessence.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: What type of energy is NEW using, in Bardon's terms

    It is better explained in the new version of Astral Dynamics.

  4. #4

    Re: What type of energy is NEW using, in Bardon's terms

    Thanks guys. I guess my question then is this: is the energy worked with in NEW the same as the vital energy Bardon has the initiate work with beginning in steps 2 and 3?

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