Quote Originally Posted by lightningbug
Thank you so much! You seem to really understand what I'm going through! And I really love that word, sovereignty, I can just fall in love with it

Undecisiveness has been a huge battle for me. You can say there are two career paths in front of me, and I've been struggling to know which to follow. And I've just recently realized, one is closer to my heart, while the other is just more of a logical way to make money. . . . I never was a very logical person
Glad you found the ramblin' helpful.

Good call, and you might actually get something out of Steve Pavlina's blog. He's one of the most motivational guys I know, and specifically has a lot to say about "following the path with a heart" (rather than the one that seems "logically" more secure, safe, etc.). Even his latest might be helpful; he talks about setting a meaningful goal, not just by deciding what you want, but by imagining the most likely consequences of getting what you want, and consciously accepting those too.

Quote Originally Posted by Tutor
I have found that there is not any one person, ever, that is not a sovereign entity, that it is equally so as to be insignificant. therefore, neither is one's soveriegnty up for metaphysical trade.
Just to be clear, I take "sovereignty" to mean that there is no universal authority over the Self; nobody "out there" who is inherently authorized to decide an individual's course except the individual (to be brief about it and not go into all manner of politico-spiritual theory ). There are beings of various alignments and agendas who *can* alter our course, even coercively, though ability does not = authority.

Practicality is another story. LB's mom has no inherent authority to keep her from moving out or gaining independence, for instance. However, when you've got someone who at some point set a strong intent with a lot of emotion put into it over time, and has spent years maneuvering things so that they hold all the cards, logistically, subconsciously, psychologically and so forth, then finding a way forward when it starts becoming relevant is not always so simple.

I recommended meditating or connecting with the concept and energy of sovereignty, because it will create a contrast with the energy, influences and programming that conflict with independence, and serve as a way to gain clarity about what effectively exercising one's own sovereignty actually feels like. Thoughts, actions and patterns that resonate with that energy can then be more easily recognized as something worth sticking with.