Yesterday,I had to take my 14 y old son to the ER for something that I can't mention here and after he had an ultrasound done we went to the nurses station to tell them that he was done.Someone told us to go wait in the astma waiting room and there was a very cranky baby there and while waiting another mother with an older baby showed up.My hands got really hot and red and I got this idea to send healing energy for the good of all to those 2 cranky,sick babies and believe it or not they both calmed down and fell asleep soon after to the relief of their exausted mothers,lol.I never know when I'll get energy in my hands and it just happens and I can't really really will it.Btw,I don't know if posting this here is quite right or maybe it should be under some other topic but since it has something to do with K maybe it belongs here.