hi my question is about the trance state i got there through ROPE method, i think it is the trance state because my body felt very HEAVY and was ASLEEP and my body gets HOT... but my mind is still awake and kind of irritated cause i dont have any more mental effort to continue rope cause my body feels so heavy and its kind of uncomfortable but i FELT it WAS ASLEEP. my mind was CLEARER but NOT completly CLEAR but i could clear it but there was some mental agitation there cause it was very HEAVY and it made me feeling HOT. i do get some moderate chakra activity when doing ROPE but i eventually reach this where my BODY feels asleep.

the second time which im not sure is the trance state is through meditation just clearing the mind first i was doing it a lot and then eventually mental falling, i reached a state of sort of more clarity, more energetic but i was more energetic that day for some reason, but yeah more relaxed, body felt slightly heavier but not like the first time to the point it was really hot and uncomfortably heavy but i KNEW IT WAS asleep the first time, anyway i tried ROPE now and this only HAPPENED once my HEART CHAKRA started rapidly beating but i knew it wasnt my HEART so i tried and keep going but eventually stopped cause my heart got too much and felt like a break, i found more concentration though... when i did this do you think its because i focused more on clearing my mind first

does anyone care to relate? please help because the first state where i knew my body was ASLEEP and it WAS EXTREMELY HEAVY and that was UNCOMFORTABLE but it was hot too, but this is what rob say is the trance state? if so i find it almost impossible to continue rope that way but its nice to meditate there for a while even though it can be really uncomfortable if your pushing your feeling effort to continue rope.