Greetings everyone, first time poster here.

I would like to discuss a recent experience of mine, and to enquire if anyone more experienced could explain, or help me understand what happened.

I've always had a very high interest in dreaming, i feel like it's another world to escape to and to take part in many strange and wonderful adventures, i have a routine of getting prepared before i get off to sleep. I'll have a light supper, generally a sandwich and a glass of irn-bru(a soft drink), i'll spend five or ten minutes browsing the internet, chilling out, and then i'll put on some music as i go to bed.

Over the last few months, i've started to try out binaural beats before going to sleep, i've found my dreams tend to be more intense, and a lot more vivid than normal, the control i've started to experience has been pretty amazing to say the least.

Now just last week, i had some binaural beats playing as i drifted off to sleep, i was in a deep sleep when i heard this very real and very loud voice "HMMM, interesting", it sounded like someone was in my bed next to me, speaking directly into my ear, i awoke suddenly, and looked around, obviously no one was there. I played back that particular track, and there were no lyrics or speaking in the song, and nothing that sounded like the voice i heard.

The next night, i drifted off again, also listening to music, i then heard another very vivid voice shouting my name, this sounded like it came from outside my bedroom door, it was in the middle of the night, and all was quiet when i woke up.

My question is, are these just results of listening to these particular binaural beats? Is it down to certain stimulation from the beats? or am i on the verge of something else in my dream state? I would like to know more about this, or if it's just a result of listening to these beats, it was a pretty amazing experience for me as i've not yet had a lucid dream where i was aware i was dreaming, or have i had an OBE.

What are your thoughts?

