• Serpient Kissing Lovers—This meditation is the most advanced sovereignty building exercise to date. Lie on your back in bed or on the ground in nature. Place the right hand under the left breast with the thumb point up on the sternum; place the left hand cupping the right ribcage over the liver with the thumb pointing up on the sternum. Now feel-sense a caduceus inside the body with the double helix going up the spine and the two snake heads as the brain hemispheres. Focus attention on the top of the forebrain and sense a kissing of the hemispheres at the crest of the forehead. This is done in association with active dropping of discursive thought and inner/outer conflicts by focusing peace into the brainstem, opening the heart to the forebrain and breathing into areas in the body that seem blocked. As the charge builds up there is a very real sense of maturity, parenting, royalty, rulership, empowerment and one pointed attention. You will need to breath deeply to assimilate and contain the intense power generated. If it is dark you might see two merging light balls with the inner eye, which ultimately form into one ball of light. The Kissing Lovers sensercise essentially allows a nondual alchemical means of overcoming ego and conditioning and to transcend stress and disorder by working through all that stands in the way of this sublime integration.

The Borg says to the Sovereign, “Who are you to think for yourself?”
The Sovereign says to the Borg, “Who are you to not think for yourself?”