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Thread: chakras confusion

  1. #1

    chakras confusion

    i would like to know that how much time will it take for an average person to activate and develop their chakras to the level so that they can start using psychic abilities.
    after chakras are developed to this level, is it easy to learn any psychic ability u want to learn. i mean will it help in a way that a person can learn any ability faster than those who dont develop chakras. how much faster, i mean significantly or just slightly faster.
    when we do energy work daily, does it constantly develop chakras daily and making them more powerful as time passes or it is like energy is raised daily and used daily, doesnt affecting chakras significantly.

  2. #2
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    Re: chakras meanings, correspondences

    All energy work stimulates chakras, because chakras are interconnected throughout the whole energy body, which is why Robert (and I) stress that you should stimulate your whole energy body before messing with chakras. Think of your energy body as a medium made of plasma that is constantly moving and flowing. Tweaking any chakra is useless if it's surrounded by blockages that don't permit proper flow- if you work on your entire energy body anything you do on a chakra will have much more impact on the whole functioning body. And if you learn about the chakras you will see that if they're not in proper balance you will simply not develop them to the fullest, and may actually cause you to not develop.
    I'll do a little descriptive work so you see what I mean:
    Imagine that the columns I try to write here are descriptive of a person standing up-
    ---------Top of crown- White or Gold- Crown Chakra- God Connection- HIghly abstract conceptual information energy.
    ---------------Forehead- Violet-Third Eye- Intuition, highly intellectual thinking- Clairvoyance-
    -------------------Throat- blue - vibration- verbalization- meeting place from above and below-
    --------------------Heart- green- High Emotion-Love- Healing-
    --------------Solar plexus- yellow- emotion-justice, Power- sun-heat- male
    Reproductive organs- sacral- orange- emotion, creativity, inspiration, subconscious mind-
    ---------------Base- Perineum & Feet- Red- emotion- survival, hunger, earth, life.

    Now, you will see two main characteristics of the chakra- that each represents attributes everyone has - mental and emotional, and that each one of those characteristics have complementary and balancing characteristics that keep them from dominating.

    For example, the top chakra up to the crown (third eye) is basically mental and conceptual. If this chakra is left to develop while the other 'basic' chakras are not (the base chakra and the heart chakra) You will have a severely unbalanced person who only cares about mental pursuits and has no ability to have personal relationships that bring any degree of satisfaction, and will probably be unable to take care of themselves in the most basic survival skills. The character of Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory TV show comes to mind.

    You probably have met one of those 'Earth Mother' types who just loves everybody and always relies on others to take car of her, because once again, she has no survival skills and no other discernible skills- probably has too many children that she loves dearly but can't control because she can't bring herself to discipline them- that's a person that's all heart chakra and no base or forehead chakra.

    Then there's the HItler-Pol Pot-Stalin Types- All solar plexus chakra (aggressive power hungry), some (or a lot of forehead chakra (but no crown chakra) and, the worst part, no heart chakra and in some of them a very developed base chakra (are so preoccupied with surviving because they have created so many enemies due to their power-hunger). Those are the most damaging, because their imbalances are directed at their environment due to their strong aggressive (solar plexus) tendencies or attributes.

    You can see how there is the necessity of balancing all chakras so that whatever your natural attribute is enhanced, instead of causing you to be imbalanced and it actually impeding your overall growth.

    Now, there is no 'set' time as to how long it takes to develop skills and abilities, because some people have some abilities that are natural to them.
    I do know that Bardon suggests that it takes a minimum of one year of study to to go through the system. Any time less than that is not recommended.
    Most masters require longer than that to develop.
    I personally was able to achieve some expanded skills after about a year or three from the point in which I achieved control of my astral experiences.

    But once again, everybody's different, and even though I've been projecting all my life, I only achieved control after about a year of active practice, and skills after three.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: chakras confusion

    very informative, thanks.
    still 1 confusion.
    when we work on energy centres, does they upgrade or develops, each time becomes more powerful.
    or is it like tanks of water. we fill water and then use water and then water if used fully, tank is empty.

  4. #4
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    Re: chakras confusion

    They develop, but in their capacity to interact. Energy storage centers (stones/tantiens) actually increase their ability to store energy.
    Instead of thinking of them as water (good image, though)- think of them as electric connections in between outlets. There won't be more voltage per se, but there will be increased flow.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    Timotheus Guest

    Re: chakras confusion

    the most common misunderstanding about chakras is that it is imagined they are vertically oriented within the consciousness for ascending. however, if you will look in the list given by CFT, you will see that it is in the blue throat chakra whereat above and below do meet. this blue chakra of throat is what is both onaxis and axial vertically.

    this truth is as the elevator up and down, the giver of tonal dynamics which ascend and descend.

    the horizontal is the winding stairway through the body.

    viewing duality rightly, or in this horizontal manner, one may see that two givens meet at the axis, neither of the two are the direction for which one is footed or headed. they merely are dualistic reflections of each other meeting at the throat; the throat being that which axially ascends and descends from any particualr paradigm to another.

    now, take 11@11, seeming to be as 22. the actual center is the 23rd or that which is 'at' center. that being the blue throat chakra.

    this centering is one having both heart and head in the balance, they meeting at the throat, or evened within the dualistic odds against the center, horizontally speaking.

    herein comes the centering mantra of prayer, which at the given tone/key of choice, being "G", gives the centered participation among the several horizontal paradigms within the vertically oriented consciousness.

    all paradigms/levels/dimensions of perspective, they being horizontal, are axially bound upon the throat center.

    understand that this is carried with one's body/vehicle/vessel , having nothing to do with whether you are lying down r sitting or standing up. kinda like a gyro (merkaba) that is never out of proximity to its uprightness, even as we may vary positions physically within what is at odds.

    each has a body, which within is their particual path it may seem. yet all bodies are principally the same, even as they may bear odd unlike stories. however, when it comes to the blue throat center that is always on axis, everyone is the same, bound by the same tone which either gives rise or takes lower.

    furthermore, either direction upon the axis is not loss of the individual story, for your consciousness is you embodied in the fulness. in other words, one neither reinvents themself or loses themself, themself being the true self existant in all paradigms.

    each in every of one is merely within the sameness of law axially bound, or laws given the paradigmatic horizontal.

    yup, sounds complicated. however, simple it is.

    the story is yours representative of you, while it is that we are one YOU within sameness of being the same, bound upon axial law and horizontally binding within extended laws.

    what is horizontal is not a perfect circle, it is as an egg shape whereat the center is at the greatest width of the egg horizontally at length.

    whereas, that length is the horizontal, and the width is the vertical onaxis.

    for the vertical is ten, while the horizontal is differing lengths given the particular paradigm of perspectivity. the human is 23

    therein comes the mystery of manger and animals et ll. the whole ark of noah. all is within the human first, even as the human would be mentioned last as per the book of genesis. the human is in the image, all things leading to that conscious named human naming, as well as all things leading from that said human back to.


  6. #6

    Re: chakras confusion

    what do u mean by 'Energy storage centers (stones/tantiens) actually increase their ability to store energy.'

  7. #7
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    Re: chakras confusion
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
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    Re: chakras confusion

    in that my reply is locked, which is ok i reckon, i will add to it.

    by itself it dispells little more than further mystery, a hint to, that seems as horse ♥♥♥♥.
    Given your penchant for deleting your posts, I decided to preserve it for posterity. And now I'm not sorry I did it.

    CFT is @ the center of it all, being that both are her as representative vehicles of communication.
    Ha ha my hubby might disagree with that. Don't worry, I'll leave the rest of your posts alone (mostly, anyway).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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