Hallo to all here at AD
The new years season has been good to me -astrally speaking. Just yesterday I went out of body again for the second time in a week! Whoooot!
In this OBE you may notice some similarities to the last, especially in going OOB from a dream and the flight. The important difference in this OBE was my ability to control strong emotions and focus that energy towards an obtainable goal.

Out Of Body Experience "High Energy Flight" (# 90)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Similar to the OBE that occured 5 days ago (OBE #89 December 29, 2009) this OBE began with a dream.
Dream It began in a small house in a country area of Massachusetts. I stayed there with BR and MK (college friends from years ago). Nothing much of interest happened until I took a walk through nearby open rolling fields. I expressed a desire to fly and became lucid. A significant shift in consciousness took place and an OBE began.
OBE # 90 It was a sunny warm summer day. Now of course it is a cold January in the physical world so therefore the location was not a Real Time Zone and must have been a non-physical Belief System Territory. I was excited to have the chance to fly. This emotional energy was both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage was that this excitement provided enough extra emotional energy to allow me to float up off the ground and slowly fly over the field out of body. There was an intense focus and intention on flying. I was able to stay airborne for at least 5 to 10 minutes. (I sort of lost the sense of time here. Best guess is about 7 - 8 minutes.) However there was a limitation - I could only fly at walking/running speed and could not ascend higher than about 20 feet.
The disadvantage of my emotional state was that it acted as a barrier and prevented me from extending the OBE or from performing any activity other than flying. I was totally concentrated on flying and that was all. Nothing else was really possible. So when the flight ended as I slowly floated down to land on the grassy field that short burst of extra emotional energy was expended. Now my mental focus was gone and the OBE was over.
Dream The excitement had basically ended and I returned back into the dream state.
Notes. Time of this OBE was 9:45 to 10:30 AM. I had fortunately decided to sleep in and try to induce an OBE and/or LD. Duration of the OBE was 6 to 10 minutes. The dream (before and after the projection) lasted 45 minutes or more. I lay on my right side. OBE #90. No familiar location. The only Familiar people were dream characters in the dream. There were Unfamiliar Persons - Discarnate people and animals in the fields. Dream Into OBE, Deliberate, Emotional, Flight, Travel-teleport, Meditaion (before the OBE), Energy-pranayama (before the OBE) and OBE Ended Into Dream.

Thanx for reading. If you have a question and/or comment I would like to see it.