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Thread: When pain appears and more...

  1. #1

    When pain appears and more...

    Hi Robert, hi All. I practice energy exercises and I found your system of energy work. I need to ask you a few questions and I hope you will answer me! I do not follow your system, but when I I have pains and aches on my body I use your techiques of brushing motions directly and around where the pain is located. Is it okay or it can be dangerous? With success I used in my everyday life in difficult situations and these techiques of brushing motions are more powerfull, than other presented by some famous authors.
    Second for self defense. How can I understand the difference between the touch of my own negative feelings and negative entitles, because you know in astral both are alive and animated? For cold places-you say they are negative spirits and we must run away.Can I do with the power of love and with breathing energy into this entitly, to change it's "nature" or at least to go away from me? Like most of people out there after 2-3 breaths I feel the energy very strongly.
    and third . Too many people talk about reiki and it's levels and that you must be attunement for all levels. I'm first level, but I use the sign for protection with great success-cho ko ray for second level. I work with energy and I suspect, that it's for money, that is-rubb your hands, see light in palm chakras, point your attention where pain is located and breath deeply-Reiki. The rest is mask. Is it right.
    Thank you Robert.
    With love and light Stefan.

  2. #2
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    Re: When pain appears and more...

    Quote Originally Posted by miromir
    Hi Robert, hi All. I practice energy exercises and I found your system of energy work. I need to ask you a few questions and I hope you will answer me!
    Hi Stefan. To ask Robert a specific question, please do it in the 'Ask Robert' forum. However, most of the questions you asked we can help you with, from experience and also from Robert's published works.

    I do not follow your system, but when I I have pains and aches on my body I use your techiques of brushing motions directly and around where the pain is located. Is it okay or it can be dangerous?
    It's ok. Robert teaches healing methods using NEW, and I have found that energy raising (the full-body circuit) helps relieve my backaches.
    However, it is always advisable to talk to a medical professional when dealing with health issues first, and then supplementing with energy work techniques.

    Second for self defense. How can I understand the difference between the touch of my own negative feelings and negative entitles, because you know in astral both are alive and animated?
    It really doesn't matter, because what you think comes about in the astral. So the best defense is to leave the area when something doesn't 'feel' right. That is, use your intuition. It never fails.

    For cold places-you say they are negative spirits and we must run away.
    Not exactly. If you are in a place where you get a cold spot it doesn't have to mean it's a negative spirit- barring natural reasons (that is, drafty areas) it could be any spiritual manifestation, not necessarily negative. Like in all cases of the 'paranormal', the best offense is a good defense. If something doesn't 'feel' right, go away, or deploy countermeasures.

    Can I do with the power of love and with breathing energy into this entitly, to change it's "nature" or at least to go away from me? Like most of people out there after 2-3 breaths I feel the energy very strongly.
    Once again, it depends on the entity. Many entities don't understand what you are doing, and some will be repelled by this. I just prefer to go away if I'm projected and encounter something negative.

    and third . Too many people talk about reiki and it's levels and that you must be attunement for all levels. I'm first level, but I use the sign for protection with great success-cho ko ray for second level. I work with energy and I suspect, that it's for money, that is-rubb your hands, see light in palm chakras, point your attention where pain is located and breath deeply-Reiki. The rest is mask. Is it right.
    Thank you Robert.
    That one is for Robert, so I won't reply to it.
    With love and light Stefan.
    Right back at you Stefan.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: When pain appears and more...

    I can't answer all of your questions, but I'll share what I know =)

    How can I understand the difference between the touch of my own negative feelings and negative entitles, because you know in astral both are alive and animated?
    This is a good question that I still struggle with...for me, a negative feeling feels bad, but less "substantial" than an entity. An entity feels somehow "thicker." I don't know how to put it any better than that. Another way you can tell is that entities will try to "push" their way in - I actually feel this as a physical-feeling pressure on the surface of my skin. Sometimes the pressure is accompanied by a sticky or "dark" feeling, or a prickly/painful heat. It can be different for different people, but this is what I experience.

    Can I do with the power of love and with breathing energy into this entitly, to change it's "nature" or at least to go away from me?
    This is something I'd thought about fairly recently as a way to get rid of the negative entities that were bothering me. I don't know if breathing energy to a neg entity would help or not, but using the power of love was exactly my idea. I thought that perhaps if I took the emotional pain that a neg entity was exacerbating in me, and transmuted it into more neutral or even into love energy, that it would really bother it. And I found that it worked, in more ways that one. Firstly, it made me less afraid of the emotional pain the entity was causing me, and when you react to a neg entity with less fear, you are coming from a place of more personal power. Secondly, I found that because the pain the entity caused me was based in my own emotional issues, by calmly transmuting the pain I was actually working on my own issues as well. I actually used the neg's attacks as a "spotlight" to highlight areas which needed work in myself, so that I could then heal those areas.

    The exact technique I used to transmute the pain is in this post by Korpo: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9353

    It's a technique used for dealing with negative feelings, but really, it works on any kind of emotional tangle or tension. By doing this technique, your intelligence is applied much more fully to the problem, in more ways than just consciously. This technique can actually be adapted to apply your intelligence to all kinds of problems. It is very similar to the Buddhist technique of metta, or lovingkindness meditation, in that you just "be" with a problem gently in order to transmute it into more useable energy (ultimately I think this technique transmutes negative energy to love energy, if you work at it enough.) So I said all that to say that yes, I feel that the power of love can be used as a defense against negs. =)

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