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Thread: our world changing power

  1. #1
    Alaskans Guest

    our world changing power

    I am rather nervous writing this post, I have been waiting for the right time, when I am ready, I hope this is it.

    I spent my prime years in spiritual persuit. I dont have any degrees or expertise in any fields that will make any impact on the world. I doubt that I will never find a cure for cancer or solve world hunger. I am ok with that, because I have discovered something within my own mind that can change the world; our virtues. For many, the ability to forgive, tolerate, and be compassionate only effects those they come in contact with. But we, the spiritual chosen are responsible for many people over a large region. If I lived in a large city I would not be able to see how easily people are influenced, but from my town of 5,000 I can see that influence easily. It's not some far off, mysterious power difficult to grasp, you use it every day.

    It is your virtues. Every time we overcome something in our mind, or think something benevolent, or created a good energy, we have gained an immensely powerfull ability. Have you ever resolved your anger as someone insulted and attacked you? Then you have the power to resolve the anger of anyone. You have the power to resolve thousands of conflicts accross the world with a thought. All of those good thoughts you have, or have had, can be reflected on anyone you choose. Even if you dont choose, simply thinking them changes the actions of those in your region. You are unknowingly saving people by practicing your virtues.

    I am not posting this to propose a theory, but to convey a great power. One that outstrips all those other powers you have experienced, yet this is the most lowly and accessable power of them all.

    I will use anger as an example because resolving it is my most enduring virtue.
    Next time you come accross an angry argument, be aware in two places. Place yourself close and your mind within the middle of the argument, so that you are observing and feeling the anger within you. At the same time you are observing your own mind. You should feel the emotions of the argument. Now resolve that anger as if it is yours. If the arguement is intense, then let it be rediculous and humorous to continue the argument.

    That is all, any of your virtues can be used. It may not work every time because people have complex mentalities and some will continue to fight no matter how they think or feel. It is however real, and powerfull, and this is only one example and one technique of how it can be used. On a worldwide or region wide level it is harder to see the effects, but the impact is greater since you are covering a larger number of people and circumstances, many of which only need a small nudge in the right direction.

    In the United States, the crime rate is the lowest it has been since 1960, when peace was on the minds of so many. The experts are struggling to find some kind of explanation. I know the reason. We are here on Earth at this time in history to show the world the power of our virtue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: our world changing power

    What a wonderful post, Alaskans.
    Thank you.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: our world changing power

    If you believe in karma, your approach also eliminates the karma you may have brought in from past lives.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  4. #4
    Timotheus Guest

    Re: our world changing power

  5. #5
    Alaskans Guest

    Re: our world changing power

    A few years ago I read an article. There was a mental hospital in hawaii (for the 'criminally insane'), many of its patients were considered lost causes. One man, a shaman, healed everyone there without ever meeting anyone. It did not say how, only that he reviewed thier case files and healed them by resolving the problems within himself (resolving thier problems within himself). I was deeply moved by it. I didnt realise till then what is possible with one mind. I cant find that article, but I did find material on the man himself.

    Before next year all 5 members of my family will nolonger be smoking, including my dad who has smoked for 35 years. It started happening the day after I decided, my brother already quit, others have decided to, and nobody is chain smoking anymore. The overall plan was arranged by the familiar manifestation technique, and I've been working on thier minds with the technique we are discussing now. One family, one world, it doesnt matter.
    We can change everything!
    Dont think that it sounds too complex or difficult, that is not true and is a result of explaining in words. So instead of words if you wish to learn through experience, I will have it arranged for you. The universe wont ignore such a request.
    Do as you please, but see? There are no limits.

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