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Thread: far journeys

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I'm not really sure anymore

    far journeys

    I've just finished reading this book and there are two possibilities : either Monroe got mad (which I doubt 100%) with an imagination far beyond what could be expected from kids or... it is a honest transcript of what he's gone through.
    I'm just wondering, he made a trip to the years 3000+ where he saw one possibility for the future of our species......
    it seems wonderful as we'll finally understand that the physical body is a only vehicle, we'll have no cars etc... but it was said that the population is much much less than now.... does it mean we'll have a go through a hugggee disaster ? it's so wierd to see that we will change so much in a1000 years. it's a much bigger step than going from year 1000 to 2000
    what is going to make us "see the light" ?!
    there are a lot of very famous mediums who predicted events up to nowodays but I have never read any prophecy for the year 3000+ and certainly not with that kind of turn for humanity...I'm just wondering if there are other books predicting the same type of event
    I suppose it's not that stupid considering that there will be a shortage of petrol in about 60 years...there will be a dramatic change....for the better hopefully
    I can't wait to read ultimate journeys !

  2. #2
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    Re: far journeys

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepingbeauty
    it's a much bigger step than going from year 1000 to 2000
    what is going to make us "see the light" ?!
    Do you really think so? Usually most people on this planet can travel from town to town without fear of roadside bandits... Actually, I could name a lot of huge changes that indicate evolution...

    Mind you - some developments in this modern times seem like a step back. We live in a time where there is a re-occurrence of slavery, piracy, wars over religion - but compared to the extent originally, maybe even 500 years ago, this is almost non-existent. It's on its way out, from my POV, but with a venegance...

    Just compare - in 1618 - 1648 a third of the population of Germany was slaughtered due to a power struggle with a strong overlay along religious lines. The current struggle over religion, power and nationalism we tend to call the "War on Terrorism" is rather minor by comparison, especially when compared how many billions of people are potentially involved. I do not want to disrespect or diminish the suffering encountered by those in the middle of that struggle, I'm just saying that this is lessening in comparison.

    A lot has happened - in terms of outer facts, but especially in what people believe. We now live in a global society with its own upsets and phenomena, something totally unimaginable a thousand years ago. They may have envisioned it 300 or 200 years ago, and now it is our reality. Even people thinking peace in Europe is possible would have seemed kind of delusional as little back as 1920...

    there are a lot of very famous mediums who predicted events up to nowodays but I have never read any prophecy for the year 3000+ and certainly not with that kind of turn for humanity...I'm just wondering if there are other books predicting the same type of event
    I think I came at least once over a similar prophecy.

    Also, I think I remember (maybe from the "Holographic Universe") that there are four predominant prophecies, encountered equally among "prophets" and psychics - Monroe's Garden Eden, nuclear apocalypse, gradual decline and... well I forgot the other one.

    The interesting point raised is that the likelihood of each future is influenced by what people believe, and maybe we even individually chose timelines and probabilities for our lives accordingly. But this is all too terribly quantum for my taste...

    I liked Far Journeys a lot, and I have found many bits validating parts of it all "over the place." I think you will enjoy "Ultimate Journeys" - I hope you will!


  3. #3

    Re: far journeys

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo
    Also, I think I remember (maybe from the "Holographic Universe") that there are four predominant prophecies, encountered equally among "prophets" and psychics - Monroe's Garden Eden, nuclear apocalypse, gradual decline and... well I forgot the other one.

    The interesting point raised is that the likelihood of each future is influenced by what people believe, and maybe we even individually chose timelines and probabilities for our lives accordingly. But this is all too terribly quantum for my taste...

    this sounds like some of what i heard in this video i saw on consciousmedianetwork a few days ago. it's a message from Bashar, a channeled being.
    he is talking about 2012, saying that when we reach the tipping point, the critical mass, at 2012, we will collectively experience whatever it is we believe is going to happen then.
    if your idea is different to that of your brothers, then your brothers will cease to exist in your reality, even tho they occupy the same "space" on their Earth.
    like there will be multiple Earths, playing out the various beieved-in scenarios... one of those scenarios could very well be the one that leads to Monroes garden of Eden vision. ... 010510.htm
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  4. #4
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    Re: far journeys

    Read the Thiaooba Prophecy.
    Although I'm not much of a literalist (almost about anything), there are in fact a few prophecies about the world years ahead, and they do seem to include humans.

    The whole point is that if we become the types of beings that don't need bodies to experience material life but may choose to, then many of them will choose not to, and people just won't reproduce as much. Disasters are not necessary to 'decimate' a population. I know I have read other 'prophetic works' that show a world far ahead in the future.

    Part of the problem is that we tend to only look at the past to look for prophets, and assign the title to those who agree with our worldview. Those who don't are not 'prophets', they are 'crackpots'. And so on.
    And yes, I do it too.

    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
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    Re: far journeys

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Part of the problem is that we tend to only look at the past to look for prophets, and assign the title to those who agree with our worldview. Those who don't are not 'prophets', they are 'crackpots'. And so on.
    And yes, I do it too.
    Hehe, so true!


  6. #6

    Re: far journeys

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Templar
    when we reach the tipping point, the critical mass, at 2012, we will collectively experience whatever it is we believe is going to happen then.
    if your idea is different to that of your brothers, then your brothers will cease to exist in your reality, even tho they occupy the same "space" on their Earth.
    like there will be multiple Earths, playing out the various beieved-in scenarios...
    I have read something very similar to this idea in The Convoluted Universe (book 3, I think) by Delores Cannon. She is a hypnotherapist whose clients channel information. The books are little more than transcripts of the sessions. This is def one of my favorite book series. Anyhoo, there has been a lot of info given to her about the concept of the earth "splitting" into two worlds, although it's never really been clear to me if one or both of those worlds will be non-physical. One earth would experience the typical disaster scenario and the other would experience a utopian society.

    The part that really struck me was that the beings she channeled say that what people believe is what they will experience. Two different scenarios, and in each one the people who experience the other scenario will just seem to disappear from our lives. Could be that we may just lose contact with some people, and some may seem to have gone through a physical death.

  7. #7

    Re: far journeys

    wouldn't it be bizarre, to be talking to someone, who just vanishes into the other reality, along with half the folk in the room?
    then folk would be like "WTF???!! did you see that?!"
    and we'd be saying "aye, that'll be the shift. oh well. let the good times roll!!"
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

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