A three parter.
I was watching TV and a news item came up, and it was reporting news about my family that distressed me, because it was not true, and I was very upset. As I got more and more upset, my father appeared and began to comfort me. I told him what the news said and why it had all the facts wrong, and I wondered why someone would report it the way they did. I woke up, used the bathroom and came back to bed. After going to sleep now I was in the house where I grew up, and my father was there. I woke him up to ask him why we were back there, (I thought he might have come back for a reason) but this time it wasn't him, it was a creature that looked like him but had fangs, and I started to fight him, and he bit my finger. I fought and fought and I woke up, and then went back to sleep, and summoned my 'pet' lion (which comes to me sometimes in dreams). This time I was not asleep, but in the liminal state, (I had fifteen minutes before getting up) and the lion came to me, and soothed me with his low growl. He was nice and comforted me, and then it was time to get up, so I had to leave my lion and get up.