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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #1
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    Smile CF's dream diary

    As we were pruning the forums, I found a bunch of dreams I had posted, so I decided to consolidate them into a dream diary, roughly.

    This may not strictly be a lucid dream, but it might have been: I was 12 when I had it; it was so awesome that it's haunted me to this day. Here it is:
    I went through a portal, was helped by beings of light. I think they were female. I am escorted through a walled garden that was beautiful and the colors of the flowers were very vivid. The only anomaly was that there was no sound whatsoever. Otherwise everything seemed very realistic. I briefly wondered where the birds were. This garden had three pools of water in it. Each pool was of a different color. One was blue, one red, and the other green. All three were beautiful- like glistening jewels. I was given the choice of which one I wanted to go into. I chose the red pool. I was helped in under, and I was surprised to discover I could breathe under water. I could see all around me, in the color of the water. It was as if in the water I could perceive all that was around me, over and under me. I could perceive everything, through vibrations. I could perceive the entire universe as vibration, and it was like "hearing" vibrations but instead of my ears, my entire body was receiving all the forms and vibrations of the universe without (hearing) sound. I was actually perceiving the entire universe as a vibration, and it was the most joyous experience, complete and total ecstasy, while it lasted. When it was over, I had to go back to the portal back to my room- then I woke up. Reality was such a letdown after the feelings in this dream realm. For weeks and weeks after I tried to go back into the dream, but have never been able to.
    Now for a comment on my part: As a child and young adult I projected fairly regularly- I had OBE's, flying dreams, and a special type of OBE where I would go to specific parts of my bedroom, and if I did it right I ended up in "really beautiful places" that were completely surreal. At the time I didn't know what Astral Planes were, but I think that's what they were. On these "special" OBE's, I was "helped" by beings, escorted if you will to these places. Some places were "in the sky", some "under the ground" and fantastic. This particular experience I remember as a dream, not an OBE, although that prob. doesn't mean much.
    In subsequent years, after growing up, I've had dreams of trying to find these portals (2 of them were not in my room) and finding them closed.
    My adult OBE's have been kind of boring- flying around my house, other things like that, and some frightening experiences. That dream at 12 marked the end of my positive astral travels (that I remember, anyways.)
    Interpretations are more than welcome- Anyone?
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 27th July 2013 at 04:49 PM. Reason: Easier searching
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #2
    Lapis Guest

    I'm sure no one needs to tell you that those 'dream' experiences were actual events or what I call Initiations on the Inner Planes. We all have these but usually as we get older it becomes harder to remember what we've done 'out there' each night. My childhood too was filled with wonderful interactions with higher dimensional Beings while asleep like this. On-going lessons from our non-physical Teachers/Family/Friends.

    Man, don't you wonder about what the blue and green pools held??? Sigh.....

    OK, this is only my take on your post so please read this, take what resonates if anything, and ignore the rest.

    My first thought was that you consciously 'choose' the Red Pool and experienced perceiving nearly everything as Vibration.......well done!!! So my question to you is, why are you still trying to do what you obviously already know how to do? Instead it seems to me that you should be over there in The Red Pool doing all that instead!

    If nothing else I'd suggest that you try experimenting with reconnecting with that symbolic Red Pool reality and abilities and go from there. At this point it probably isn't even necessary that you successfully reconnect with that Red Pool mentally. I'd just aim for getting back into that ability to read things as Vibration and see what happens or presents itself. Good luck.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the advice. For many years I just thought it was a very cool dream so I didn't even connect it to the OBE experiences. (Imagine that!) Now that I've been meditating for a few years, it just occurred to me last night, that I should try to do that when getting to that sweet trance state. And now you tell me this! It's no coincidence. I have wondered what the other colors would do (I just remember how beautiful they were.) Who knows, if I get good at conscious projection, maybe I'll be able to go again!
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
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    Here We Go Again With the Weirdness

    I seem to be entering a new phase of weirdness. Let me explain: Many years ago,(actually, about 9) I had a dream that even though it wasn't that spectacular, was different enough to notice, and it heralded the next wave of weirdness that was to last the next 7-8 years. I dreamed it right after my very first 'astral abduction' experience, and that's why I wrote it down. Well, I don't want to get into details. Suffice it to say that it involved underground bunkers, an job interview, and a well known person dressed in an army uniform. I can pm for details but I don't want to go over it. Last night, I had another one of those dreams (just a dream, not an a.a. (although I had a brief phasing episode yesterday afternoon, for whatever that 's worth) but it goes like this: I was in the same military bunker, and now I was in the same arena but with a friend of mine (who used to work with me years ago). Now she was interviewing for a job with this same person, and I was vouching for her- telling him that she was better at this job that I ever was and that instead of continuing to do what I'm doing, I'd like my old job back. Then he looks at my dossier and says 'oh, you're that one' and then I'm crossing the road, with my family, and we're at a party, and we are looking up at these humongous ships, angular and lighted,(not flying-saucerish at all) and I look up and we're saying to my husband: " I'll bet you the party we just went to is just a screen memory- I'll bet you we have been up in those ships (there were two)- that's why we can see them. And as we stand there in the middle of the night we can see the ships float idly by, as big as buildings, and I think "I'm sure people can't see them, if they did there'd be panic in the streets". And then we go in a building and the dream goes on for a while (I lost any trace of lucidity I might have had at this point) but after a while we were both wakened by the cats (we now have two, got a little kitten last week- he is so cute, only 1 month old) who were caterwauling- it was a horrible noise, it sounded like there was another outside cat joining in (or started the whole thing.) At this point, we woke up and then went back to sleep and had more normal dreams (I hope).
    Side note: I do not want my old job back- I enjoyed the using of my right brain (or is it left brain?)( the electronic technician) I liked the work, I did not like the job itself, I don't miss it. I like my life as it is even with all it's weirdness. I think that yesterday being 6-06-06 influenced my subconscious to give me a potentially creepy dream. At least I hope so.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    Dais Guest
    Your Dream dosen't sound that wierd to me. But who am I to state how weird some ones dream is considering how messed up mine are.
    The only thing I could inturpret here is that you said that you were tring to give your job to some one else and you wanted your old job back. That would go against the idea that you are set with you place, and would imply that you whanted to be back in an old position that you wre already in and the ships may be some thing in your past ment to take you back to were ever it was you wanted to get to.
    But then again the symbolism of dreams is lost to me and all these things are subjective and are ment to be interperated by the person that views them.
    The next time you have the dream try doing something way out of the norm for you. Like just start dancing or playing hopscotch. I have noticed that acts like this help the brain and body to make sense of something that your doing.
    Example: I was dreaming and I was in a war amongest fantasy monsters So to go along with the madness I started playing patty cake with a monster intsead of trying to fight him. I then regained much lucidness and was able to control my actions. I have to say it was dame funny. me siting thier with a katana playing patty cake with like a snake guy.

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    What I meant to say

    Oh sorry Dais: It's not that the dreams are weird, it's that the last time I started having this particular kind of dream all kinds of weird things started happening in my life. And they went on for years, until I was able to learn 'astral control' and other things. So I tend to anticipate a new wave or weirdness- although that is a bad attitude to have, knowing what I know.

    I started playing patty cake with a monster intsead of trying to fight him. I then regained much lucidness and was able to control my actions. I have to say it was dame funny. me siting thier with a katana playing patty cake with like a snake guy.
    - That is pretty funny- I have to remember it next time I'm in a similar situation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7
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    My Son's Dream

    My son has had his first 'weird' dream (he just turned 9). In it he lived about three days, and on about day two he realized he was dreaming, but couldn't wake up and didn't think to try to change the dream, and finally on day three he woke up. This both impresses and alarms me for the following reasons: As I child I had numerous projections and had this type of 'whole other life dream'. Like other projectors here, so I wonder what significance this has to his spiritual development. It alarms me because this means he's the same kind of crazy as me! Just kidding- well, only half-kidding. There's another part of the dream that kind of alarms me- dream interpreters can feel free to jump in on this- Throughout his dream, which pretty much was very mundane, he got up in the morning, went through his day, had meals, played video games, had company who came and left (like in any normal three days, except no school)- there was one recurring theme: The doorbell would ring, he'd answer the door, there'd be a note on the door that first said: "We're on our way". Then later, another ring, the note says "We're almost here", then again, "We're coming", and at the end of the dream, right before waking up, "We're here". But interestingly, there was no one at the door, and he woke up. Well, I don't have to tell you I did a mild clearing (I don't know if this was a good or not so good thing) but I'd like some opinions if you have any. Some of you (Sash & Patty) know some details about him that may help in the interpretation, although it may have no bearing on this dream whatsoever.

    ps. The next day, which was a Sunday, his sunday school teacher told me she could tell he had a major change of energy, because something happened with him that always happens to her when someone around her has a radical shift of energy. For whatever that's worth. He already has mild metaphysical training- and meditates at least once a week- any parents' advice regarding this?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
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    Hi C.F.

    Been watching this posting with interest last few days. Wonder if people have responded with private messages.

    I wouldn't worry too much if I were you unless something unpleasant began to happen. To me, "three days" has positive connotations. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe biblical overtones.

    I suppose you asked him how he felt about the messages: did they feel like familiar friends, provoke curiosity or create a feeling of foreboding, that kind of thing.

    As for your kind of crazy - well he's half made up of your genetic material. I suppose, too, there's a reason this soul's childhood has been entrusted to you.

    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  9. #9
    catlantis Guest

    I have this thing when I dream, it is a mechanism or something I call the "twizzler". For me, its purpose it to keep a sense of real time in a dream.

    I asked a dream character/wise man once about it and he told me about the continuity of time and no time in different "places"... and that the twizzler simply keeps track of these things for you... so you do not have to think about it... like how your body keeps your heart beating.

    I can tell it to wake me up at say, 4:12 am... and it will.
    So no more alarm clocks.
    It does manefest itself in similar ways are you describe in the dream... with a final time's up.

    Anyway, that is what I think about when I read about the messages.

  10. #10
    Hi CF,
    Back from the workshop and just noticed this. Obviously there could be a hundred interpretations or reasons for this dream. The most logical to me is that he is obviously psychically gifted (thanks to your long line of genes and pre-incarnation agreements) and is experiencing a pre-cognition. He may just be dreaming about a mundane future event with either someone coming to visit or some important message coming to him. How did he feel about it? Was he afraid or ho-hum about it?

    The other possibility that comes to mind is that he is experiencing another aspect of himself that is concurrently or close to the same time period incarnating. You know, the whole OverSoul thing. Since 'he" and the "dream he" play video games, it would have to be around this current time in history. Sort of past lives experienced at once.

    The Sunday School teacher could just be recognizing his psychic abilities taking a leap in growth. I don't always trust other people's "feelings" about things, even if they are usually fairly psychic. I've seen too many really good ones make really bad calls. Human filters and all that. An excellent psychic told me I needed to get rid of 2 matching vases in my house because negative energy was flowing out of them. Bah Humbug! I love those vases and feel nothing but happy around them, as do all my other guests. Maybe a similar vase hit her on the head in a past life.

    Being a mom, it's always good to go with protection when it comes to your kids. So, I thunk ya done good! Better safe and protected than sorry. Like some of us talked about in a previous thread, I wouldn't do anything that is going to scare him, but I know you know that. Since he's opening up, have you taught him basic protection yet? If not, it might be a good time to start. Some kids instinctively know how to protect themselves, but others don't. Tell him to ask Jesus to protect him when he's frightened or doesn't understand what might be happening. Teaching him how to surround himself with the protective White Light of God can be empowering. Anything that will give him confidence that he is safe. Someone told me that one of the mods at AP said that if you nailed jello to a tree and believed it would protect you, then it would. I actually agree with that. When I was about six, I knew for certain that there were snakes and alligators under my bed and ghosts and witches in my closet. Undoubtedly negs interested in me as I was unknowingly born into a line of psychics. I made sure to keep the closet door closed every night and used about 20 or more stuffed animals that I surrounded myself with from head to foot and back up again. I "decided" that they had the power to protect me from anything "bad" and could easily sleep with them guarding me. Those snakes and witches never got me once!

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