Korpo, say what you will it so to be, yet, what it is is what it is, regardless.

to CFT,

my heart prompts me to do an 'in addition to'.

fear is a righteous instinctive quality if left to it's rightful instinctive quantity that fits the moment. having instinctively feared, as it were, one often steps out of that moment passed, to carry a rightful fear forward and out of it's rightful moment. thus done, is fear magnified beyond it's right, therefore having become wrong, wrong for the one fearing and wrong for the one feared for. simply because, an overprotective air teaches the one feared for to fear, but not to fear in fear's own right, but to fear in that magnitude unbefitting the moment. one cannot presume to say beyond that, to point in judgement of another, yet one may say that love frees, and works to free what is enslaved in and of it's own fear's magnified.

I have been honored to have shared some few words of your personal story of birthing and Motherhood, and i cannot imagine a more perfecting Mother whom seeks out the truth within Herself, not for self alone, but selflessly that truth be passed to the next freed in it.


i can say from personal experience, having myself been the overprotective parent. that when it is time, and the time unavoidably does arrive; that the separation's upheaval is equal to that which binds it together. in otherwords, if as the parent, there is magnified fear of overprotection, then the child in equal severity severs the bond. for they must, if they are to fly with freed wings.

the fruits of the tree and the waters of the spring must find balance, or to say that one's actions must find parity with one's thoughts. if then, one in their hearted thoughts wish for a child in their rightful flight of freedom to succeed, then the head's actions must by preparatory example engender this teaching of hearted thought. if the two, heart and head, are not of one united accord, then by example, we fail unto failure; as if to have set very freedom to fail, merely that one's wings have purpose in sheltering what has been taught not to succeed. when, it could be, could have been, two equals fearlessly flying side by side.

this i felt to add, but if i have missed the mark, please forgive.
