Not necessarily- but it was a time where I was completely self-sufficient; I had a boss that had complete confidence in me, (imagine a woman running an electronics company full of male techs) to the point that when I left work to have my baby they kept my job open, and when it was apparent that I wasn't coming back (that's a more personal story) they sold off the part of the company I ran and retired- a boss that let me do whatever I decided was best for the company, and went fishing for weeks at a time leaving me in charge- this man gave me raises when I didn't ask for them, and always taught me to have self-confidence. It was the dream job, with flexible hours and a good insurance package.
The negatives were that I was in a place that had no public access like a store, I worked with the same people for almost twenty years (the same conversations day in and day out) and had no outside contact except with techs from other companies who called me on the phone to get tech support for the equipment they were working on.
So I could go weeks without having anything like an intelligent conversation with anyone, and it was literally soul-sucking.
So when it was time to go I wanted to go, although I'd miss the money and sense of self-sufficiency- if I miss anything about it is that- the ability to take care of finances without feeling like I owe someone something.
I do work ATM, but from home, which feels more like 'I'm helping out' instead of taking care of business-but that's my hangup.