I seem to be entering a new phase of weirdness. Let me explain: Many years ago,(actually, about 9) I had a dream that even though it wasn't that spectacular, was different enough to notice, and it heralded the next wave of weirdness that was to last the next 7-8 years. I dreamed it right after my very first 'astral abduction' experience, and that's why I wrote it down. Well, I don't want to get into details. Suffice it to say that it involved underground bunkers, an job interview, and a well known person dressed in an army uniform. I can pm for details but I don't want to go over it. Last night, I had another one of those dreams (just a dream, not an a.a. (although I had a brief phasing episode yesterday afternoon, for whatever that 's worth) but it goes like this: I was in the same military bunker, and now I was in the same arena but with a friend of mine (who used to work with me years ago). Now she was interviewing for a job with this same person, and I was vouching for her- telling him that she was better at this job that I ever was and that instead of continuing to do what I'm doing, I'd like my old job back. Then he looks at my dossier and says 'oh, you're that one' and then I'm crossing the road, with my family, and we're at a party, and we are looking up at these humongous ships, angular and lighted,(not flying-saucerish at all) and I look up and we're saying to my husband: " I'll bet you the party we just went to is just a screen memory- I'll bet you we have been up in those ships (there were two)- that's why we can see them. And as we stand there in the middle of the night we can see the ships float idly by, as big as buildings, and I think "I'm sure people can't see them, if they did there'd be panic in the streets". And then we go in a building and the dream goes on for a while (I lost any trace of lucidity I might have had at this point) but after a while we were both wakened by the cats (we now have two, got a little kitten last week- he is so cute, only 1 month old) who were caterwauling- it was a horrible noise, it sounded like there was another outside cat joining in (or started the whole thing.) At this point, we woke up and then went back to sleep and had more normal dreams (I hope).
Side note: I do not want my old job back- I enjoyed the using of my right brain (or is it left brain?)( the electronic technician) I liked the work, I did not like the job itself, I don't miss it. I like my life as it is even with all it's weirdness. I think that yesterday being 6-06-06 influenced my subconscious to give me a potentially creepy dream. At least I hope so.