I haven't posted in a long time because my dreams are usually unremarkable or decipherable. But this one is kind of weird.
I was dreaming I was in the past (80s-90s) in the house we used to live in (I'm starting to see a pun here as I write this) before we moved to our present house. I was sitting in the old living room in dim light (It was nighttime outside and I was reminiscing about the 'good old times' (that never happened) and a memory came back to me, in which Hugh Laurie was visiting us, as he used to do when I was younger. Memories came flooding back of when I was younger, and he lived up the street in which we used to live and how he used to come by and we'd have the most delightful and interesting conversations. Of course he had a different accent and voice that he has in real life, and I've never met him nor hope to, but the memories seemed real- there was a sweet nostalgia to this memory, as if we had been great friends, and I missed him and wished he hadn't become a famous actor. This was so weird that I woke up wondering if this was a real memory for one or two seconds when I remembered who I am and what my past was. The mind is weird.