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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #21
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    I get them from time to time. I had one recently... I received an important message from spirit in a dream, and I thought I was awake... I was jotting down the message when it slipped away and I woke up for real. I lost half of the message because of this. So annoying.
    AKA Silver Firefly — If I had to reincarnate as an animal, I'd choose to come back as a bonobo.

    ~ Manipulation is a tool that's too often abused.

  2. #22
    alhaalim Guest
    ah, i often have false awakenings to, as a matter of fact, i don't like them at all.
    in most cases when i have false awakenings i just lie in my bed thinking about what i've been dreaming planning how i should jot it down in my journal and i've noticed that it often interferes with what i've actually dreamt.
    sometimes i wake up and remember all kinds of stuf so i start writing my dream down and after a while, when i reach the point of the false awakening, i notice that i've already written parts of that dream down in the "real" dream before that.
    but when i manage to keep these dreams apart i actually enjoy this phenomenon.
    other than that i often panic in my false awakenings since i'm always late for school or something like that.

  3. #23
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    Waking Paralysis

    This time the context was different, the effect the same. After I sent my hubby and son off to work/school, I decided to take a short nap, due to a bad night last night. I decided to lay on the couch (sofa) because I figured I'd be so uncomfortable I couldn't fall asleep for too long (I had things to do but needed to get some sleep.) I lay on my right side, and eventually fell asleep. I started to dream I was in the couch, identically, but I could hear my husband and son's voices. At some point, I felt a male hand touch me, in a caressing way, when I realized that it couldn't be either of them, I realized I was either dreaming or being visited. I decided dreaming, so I started mentally telling the man (who was still touching me) to go away 'cause I knew he wasn't real. I struggled to turn my head. When I did of course I didn't see anything so I 'broke the hold' and it stopped. I realized I was still paralyzed (maybe I moved my astral head?) and the noises and visions came back. This time there was a woman walking besides me on the couch, and now there was a window in a piece of the wall that is just wall. It was starting to annoy me, because I didn't like having entities around me while I was paralyzed, but I couldn't tell them to go away or wake up. I tried to wake up but just couldn't. At some point (after a long while, it seemed) I decided to get out, although I didn't have 'looseness', so I tried the rope technique. After a while of rope I slowly woke up. What was annoying was that except for the window and figures and sounds, I was in the same place and in the same position (lying on my right side) as my physical body. I have also noticed (thanks to keeping journals of these experiences) that these sp experiences usually happen when I'm lying on my right side, legs bent. When I finally woke up adequately it had been only 30 minutes, but it seemed like longer.
    No likee.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #24
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    I usually don't post my dreams, but I felt that I had to because of Alaskan's dream- it may not be in any way connected, but the thing-in a jar concept really struck me.

    I was in a dream-place, a room, but if you look outside it's foggy-misty. I went to this person who resembled my dad. I asked him a favor- I asked him if he would please help make my life a little easier- since I didn't have a long time here left I'd like a break- could I stop worrying about money, my family's health, etc? I just wanted some help from him. Then, unexpectedly he became very angry and hostile, and started acting like it was a big imposition (like you want me to make your life easier? In a surly quasi-violent manner, like how dared I, he was going to lose it. Then he stopped the angry 'tantrum' he was about to have, and got serious, and said something like- well, there is a way to make your life easier- all you have to do is to open up this jar, and let what's inside dry out and die. The jar was made of metal, and it was inside some sort of cryogenic deal, and inside were wriggly-white worms. He told me that the worms were some sort of symbiotic organisms that went inside people, and if I opened the jar and let them die, the organism that was being controlled by them (and he indicated that the organism was 'dad', making it complicated, since the being I was talking to looked like my dad, who passed away more than 20 years ago) so my 'dad' would feel the cry for help from the 'worms' that were possessing him, and he would look for the person that had opened up the (can of worms, there I said it) so that I had to run away from him and hide, and I'd be safe once the worms died, because he wouldn't be possessed (or animated) by the worms any more.
    For some reason the jar could only be closed by the person who opened it, which was me (I did it in the dream)
    I had to hide from the person animated by the worms until they died (which I also did.)

    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #25
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    Any effect on your life?


  6. #26
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    It was last night- but my day has been eventful, in day to day nastiness.
    For example, this morning, Coco the cat brought in a dead roach, that I had to dispose of, then Oliver threw up a giant hairball (for me to clean, of course, then both Coco and Oliver brought in tiny frogs, which I had to wrestle from them, and later I went and got my driver's license renewed, which was quick and painless. I suppose that part of my day was easy.
    Do you have any insight on my dream? You don't have to be gentle, I'm in pain already (my back is much better, but it still hurts.)
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #27
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    Glad to hear about your back being a bit better. I wondered about it as I was reading along.

    What I would be thinking about is what role your relationship to your father plays in your life now. Really and if you go to the core of it. Somehow ("cryogenic") a part of this relationship has seemed to survived, and now it may be the time to face it ("open the jar"). Family relationships are always of a "symbiosis" nature.

    Part of our parents is also part of us and our lives, and we are often "possessed" by the patterns we act out of because of them, subconsciously. It seems like the relationship to your dad was not the most happy one, maybe lots of anger not expressed back then? Maybe both ways. Maybe he expressed his, but you not yours, that could explain the change - the dad you knew and the dad you need.

    Perhaps you are still running from your past. Perhaps this is the last time you run away and hide from your past before the healing takes place. Maybe your dad had an attachment and this is a karmic matter you resolve now.

    This is all highly speculative, but these are my associations.


  8. #28
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    I thought a bit further...

    Frozen stuff could be set patterns like repeated behaviour. Maybe your relation to your dad is influencing the relationship with your own family. If your dad could do anything for you now in a dream-like environment it would be to remove "his influence" on your family life. That would bring out your own natural reponses more, and that is surely better.

    Also it seems, and you noted yourself, that your relation to your dad is a "can of worms".

    There is a certain neg association with worms/parasites. Did your dad seem the type? (driven)

    Also, if I think about Core Image Removal, it seems that negs use our past traumas to take influence on us, so the process you were applying seems to be like a "guerilla approach" (strike and hide) to removing an attachment. Your dad can hardly come after you, and whom should the worms cry out to help for?

    This all is highly speculative, but sometimes I cannot stop myself.


  9. #29
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    That's why I asked. I never once thought of my relationship with my dad while he was alive, only since he died, believe it or not. So there is something to it. I just have to figure it out, since I thought we had resolved our differences right before he got sick.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #30
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    "Random" fun fact:

    My dad died 20 years ago (nearly 21).

    Yesterday I was told by another person (D. ) that the person tried to contact him and ask him to help me in my current life situation.

    What a similarity (dad, 20 years, help in my current life)? Yes, I am ego-centric ...


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